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PAOC 4:14 Focus: Maritimes, Newfoundland, and Labrador

As I minister to the children and leaders living in the Maritime provinces, God is revealing some areas of prayer focus for me, personally.  Please join me today in praying…

For our children:

  • That God will stir up a hunger for knowledge of God.
  • That the calling on their lives to live out the great commission will be embraced.
  • That God will empower the kids with boldness to live a life of serving Him without limitations.
  • That they will become passionate about making Jesus famous.
  • That they will recognize the gifts and abilities that God has given them and to develop and use them for the glory of God.4-14-iconda7d496cb2cf645badfcff00009d593a
  • That God will protect their minds from mixed truths portrayed by the media, schools, and society in general, causing confusion and misunderstanding.

For Our Parents:

  • That they will not allow the culture to dictate what is good and acceptable for our children.
  • That they will take responsibility for family discipleship within homes.
  • That spiritual growth and development will become more of a priority, with other extracurricular activities being placed in succession.   

For Our Leaders:  

  • That we provide a partnership with parents in the discipleship process.
  • That we will acknowledge the value of the ministry FROM our children, and to be intentional about removing the limitations of their ministry based on their age.
  • That children’s ministry will become a priority among our church leadership and that God will renew a passion in the hearts of our leaders for children’s ministry.
  • That we will mentor and encourage our children in their gifts and abilities, allowing them to develop their potential as leaders, both present and future.
  • That we will be burdened for children in our communities who are broken and that we will minister to them with a sense of urgency.

Jennie Baker, Director of Children’s Ministry- Maritime District