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Will you join in Transforming Canada Together?

One million newcomers landed in Canada in 2023. And one million more will land in 2024. One million is too large a number for our brains. We don’t function on those levels. So here’s a better question:

What’s your story of reaching just one of a million newcomers in Canada this year?

As each of us reaches one, one person, welcoming and embracing one newcomer to Canada in our neighbourhood, we do make a difference. We make a transforming difference to that one! And together we all make a transforming difference in all of Canada.

With one million newcomers arriving annually, our churches can’t keep up reaching all these of different languages, worldviews, faiths and perspectives. We call them the “gaps.” The gaps between our local congregations.

A young woman holding a latte smiles while she looks off into the distance

Charles and Faith’s Story
Click here to read / expand

Having lived in Thailand, I know what it’s like to land in a foreign country and not speak the language. Newcomers can’t read Thai, either, as it’s a completely unique script. So, not only could we not speak or ask questions, but we also couldn’t read the label to tell the difference between salt and sugar!

Knowing this after having returned to Canada, I helped my local church start two things linked together – a life group for “internationals,” those who were newcomers to Canada or had lived overseas. This group started an English-as-a-Second-Language Conversation Circles (ESL-CC) group. We ran them back-to-back on Sunday afternoons.

This is how I met “Faith,” (name changed for her protection; she asked to be referred to as “Faith!”). Faith is from a Muslim majority country. She spoke some English but was motivated to perfect her English skills. Faith came for the ESL-CC, but stayed also for the Bible study the Internationals Life Group ran immediately following. At the end of the ESL-CC meeting newcomers were told the meeting had finished for that week, that the Internationals would continue meeting for a Bible study, and that they were welcomed to either come back for ESL-CC again the following week or stay if they were interested in the Bible study.

Faith stayed. She was interested. She wanted to know more about this “Isa al Masih,” Jesus the Messiah, as He’s called in her language and religion. Faith stayed part of that group for over a year, after which I moved to a new church-based role outside of town.

It was just a couple years later she got back in touch with me. “You’re the reason I’m following Jesus now,” she told me. Really? Why? “I knew you understood where I was coming from. You wanted to help. You knew how to answer my questions.” Faith had been on a long faith journey of exploring Christian belief, the Bible, our practices and churches. And she decided. “I’m not following what I was raised in. I’m now following Jesus. He’s my Lord and Saviour!”

One hour each Sunday afternoon, eating snacks together, drinking coffee, tea and juice, talking about the English language, culture, how things work.

This opened the door.

Not only for Faith, but many others, too.

Getting to know a newcomer to Canada isn’t hard, nor complicated. It’s actually quite easy. They’re lonely. They’re needy. They’re trying to fit in. How can you help?

Will you help transform Canada together by reaching just one this year? Talk to us. We can help.

This is why we need new workers. Lots of new workers (see: Matthew 9:36-38 ESV).

Fortunately, God is still calling new workers into His harvest fields by His Spirit!

And, just like Jesus, Paul and so many others, it takes partners to support these workers. In the same way that Jesus and the disciples received financial support from – Mary, Joanna, Susanna and more (see Luke 8) – and how Paul, Barnabas, Silas, John Mark and more received support from individuals and churches, so too Mission Canada workers need partners like you, too.

Will you give (and pray!) to raising up and sending out new workers to newcomers in Canada? Use this link to give now.

And, additionally, we’re here to help you better reach newcomers in your area, too.

Check out the Cultural Ministry Resources in our Ministry Toolbox.