The names that appear on this Network of approved counsellors have been recommended to us by the respective PAOC District Superintendents as persons to whom they would be comfortable having referrals made. The approved counsellors have presented to us that they are born-again believers and have training, experience and certification as professional Christian counsellors.
As much as possible, we have endeavoured to adhere to a minimum requirement of a Master’s level degree to qualify for inclusion in the network. Each is trained in crisis intervention, equipped to identify problems with insight and objectivity, and are skilled in making appropriate referrals for ongoing counselling where deemed necessary. However, the inclusion of any name on the network list of counsellors in no way indicates our endorsement or guarantee of quality of service.
By District
British Columbia & Yukon: | https://www.bcyd.ca/counselling-coaching |
Alberta & Northwest Territories: | abnwt.com/care |
Saskatchewan: | https://www.paocsk.ca/forms-resources/credential-care-and-services |
Manitoba & Northwestern Ontario: | https://clergycare.ca/ |
Western Ontario: | https://wodistrict.org/here-to-serve/spiritual-health-care/ |
Eastern Ontario: | eod.paoc.org/care |
Quebec: | dqpaoc.org/counselling/ |
Maritimes: | maritimepaoc.org/approvedpastorcounsellors |