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Archives: Get Involved

There are several ways in which you can support the work of the PAOC Archives. Here are some suggestions.

Volunteer – If you live the GTA or within a reasonable drive from Mississauga we always appreciate an extra pair of hands to assist us with routine tasks. This frees the staff for work requiring greater expertise. Call or email and make arrangements to schedule an orientation visit (905-542-7400,

Currently we are looking for some specialized volunteers to assist us with processing our massive collection of some 30,000 colour slides which must be cleaned, organized, identified and labeled. If you have an interest in PAOC missions [many of the slides depict the work of PAOC missionaries over the last 40 years] and live close to Mississauga, this is a project worth an investment of your volunteer time!

Students – Your volunteer work in the Archives qualifies for the 40 hours of community service required for High School graduation.

Donate Historical Materials – The Archives collection grows as individuals and PAOC churches share their historical treasures with us. Our collection is mandate to acquire and preserve all material relating to the activities of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada in Canada and abroad. If in doubt call or email us for more information (905-542-7400, Please note we do not accept COD packages.

Gather PAOC Stories as Part of Our Oral History Project – Since 2002 the Archives has encouraged students and other individuals to assist in gathering the many stories of God’s work in the lives of our people and our churches. So much of the information in our archives documents the work of the PAOC as an organization and its leaders (pastors and elected officials). But the lifeblood of our fellowship is the hundreds of thousands of believers who have served God faithfully out of the spotlight. Their stories also need to be told and preserved for future generations. You can help with this project. For more information on how to get involved, select the Oral History Project link at the left.

Give – We have a number of important projects which require funding beyond our current budgetary resources. All gifts to the PAOC Archives are tax deductable. To make a donation, please click here. Thank you for your support!