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NNN Cross-Cultural Worker

POSITION: Cross-cultural Worker(s) (city-wide)


Full time missionary appointment
Four-year term
Self-funded via Shared Funding
Employed and facilitated by Mission Canada


MISSION CANADA PRIORITY: Cultural Language Groups


This opportunity is currently available in these cities: Greater Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Windsor, London, Greater Toronto Area & Suburbs, Ottawa, Montreal, Halifax.

According to, 73.7% of Canada’s population live in one of our large urban centres. And this trend continues.


With the exception of 1.6M Indigenous Canadians, we are a country of immigrants. And this continues to increase. The 13 largest urban centers also host more than 90% of the Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, etc., of our nation as well, making them prime fields for fulfilling our missionary mandates in our nation. Statistics Canada estimates that by 2036 between 25 and 30% of Canadians will be immigrants, the highest proportion since 1871. Of these, 55 to 58% will be from Asia. Immigrants and second-generation individuals may be as high as 49.7% of our population by 2036. Thus, the cross-cultural need in our nation will continue to grow.


Reaching the unreached is a kingdom priority. The King commissioned His Church to make disciples of all nations, be they far or near. Those of other religious worldviews, and those of none, are our neighbours, co-workers, fellow students today. They are our Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria. We must reach them with the Good News of Jesus Christ. No passport required.


  1. Representation of Jesus Christ and His Kingdom. The PAOC is a Christian organization that engages in Christian ministry, serving the Christian community. This position is an important role in carrying out PAOC's mission and it is critical that your beliefs and conduct are consistent with the beliefs and conduct standards of PAOC. Therefore, it is a requirement of this position that your beliefs and conduct adhere to PAOC's Mission Statement, Core Values, General Constitution and By-Laws, the Statement of Essential Truths, and any other document that may be established by PAOC regarding standard of conduct.
  2. PAOC Credential. The candidate will possess and maintain a PAOC ministry credential, or willingness and ability to obtain and maintain a PAOC ministry credential for the purpose of this role. Worker will be an employee of The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada (PAOC).
  3. Knowledgeable Regarding Cultural Environments. A knowledge and understanding of this cross-cultural environment is necessary. Ability to gain trust and respect in a new community. Ability to connect and interact with newcomers to Canada. Culturally sensitive.
  4. Ministry Experience - Enterprising and Resourceful. Ministry will include the development of contacts and networks. Ministry experience is necessary. Ability to listen, learn, strategize, collaborate and follow through on the recognized needs of newcomers to Canada.
  5. Accountability In All Areas. Because of the role of a Mission Canada worker is collaborative between Mission Canada, the PAOC district in which the work is taking place, and the Mission Canada team at the PAOC International Office, the Workers must be skilled at working independently in their defined cultural environment but with multiple accountability partners.
  6. Fundraising. The worker must have a demonstrated ability or a willingness to learn to raise an approved budget each year. Mission Canada workers are responsible to raise the necessary financial support for their mission efforts and project funds. As well, representing the PAOC's Mission Canada department, they are catalysts in motivating individuals and churches for missions nationally. Fundraising training is provided during the candidacy stage, prior to a worker being released for employment.
  7. Canadian Citizenship. A Mission Canada applicant for a worker role must be a Canadian citizen or have a Canadian residency with employable status.


  • Presence and Platform: English, maintain and advance a presence in the community of focus as a credible witness of Jesus Christ, His Kingdom and His Church; establish, maintain and advance a ministry platform meeting felt-needs in line with the gospel, providing a mechanism for ministry, building relationships and context for your witness.
  • Declaration and Disciple-making: In every way, nonverbally, in deeds and with spoken words, declare the gospel of Jesus Christ in culturally contextual ways with the community of focus, making disciples of Jesus who also go on to make disciples who make disciples (cf. Matthew 28:19-20, 2 Timothy 2:2). Participate in a local PAOC church and her body life; engage new disciples with local PAOC churches; facilitate local PAOC churches to engage and support new disciples from the community of focus; advocate with PAOC district, where appropriate, in their establishment of new church plant(s) focused on this community.
  • Local and District Mobilization & Representation of PAOC Mission Canada's NNetwork including; Raising awareness and vision casting; resourcing and equipping believers; recruiting and referral of potential new workers to Mission Canada; networking with workers of other organizations in this same cultural language group field for fellowship, accountability, mutual encouragement, prayer and equipping.


Full-time Role: 40 hours per week. Certain times of the ministry year may require additional workload (i.e. cultural holidays, special events, etc.). Some workers start at a part-time level and later increase to full-time.

Salary: As a Mission Canada Worker, employed by The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, the salary for this role is raised by the worker through personal fundraising. An annual budget is developed and agreed to between the Mission Canada Director and the Worker, including salary and benefits commensurate to the role. Mission Canada provides fundraising training and has a track record of long-term success for its employees funding.

Equal Opportunity: The PAOC welcomes and encourages applications from people with disabilities. Accommodation is available upon request for applicants taking part in all aspects of the selection process.


For further information, or to express an interest in this Mission Canada worker opportunity, please share with us about yourself in the form on our ENGAGE TODAY page. If you have any questions about a certain location opportunity, please include them in your response form. We look forward to hearing from you and following up with you shortly thereafter!