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2025 National Leadership Day
& Annual General Meeting

Thank you to everyone who attended our Leadership Day & Annual General Meeting in person and online!

This event has ended. Please check back soon for recorded sessions and meeting minutes.

We the called: by name Leadership Day and Annual General Meeting. Tuesday March 25 2025On behalf of your PAOC executive officers, I welcome you to join us in-person or via live stream for the PAOC’s 2025 NATIONAL LEADERSHIP GATHERING and ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING (AGM). This is a biennial event of our PAOC International Office. Leaders gather for vision casting around mission and ministry, constitutional requirements are cared for, and necessary voting is facilitated. We look back on our General Conference held in May 2024 with such fond memories and were thankful for the tremendous turnout of those who joined us in Niagara Falls, ON and online. We anticipate seeing as many of you as are able to join us at PORTICO Community Church, in Mississauga, Ontario, for this upcoming one-day event on March 25.

Our theme is WE THE CALLED: BY NAME. In our morning plenary sessions, we will worship our Lord and have times of intentional prayer together. We will be inspired in our ministry callings by national and global leaders. And, we will be connecting with special guest, Brian Alarid, author of BY NAME: How to Pray for People and Lead Them to Jesus. Brian has been a tremendous inspiration to me personally and is blessing us with our 2025 gift book that credential holders will be receiving in the mail between now and the time of our March gathering. We will be blessed to have Brian speak into our lives and challenge us in a unique way to believe for the lives of those who need to experience a new-found relationship with Jesus Christ.

Please review the details below and make your plans accordingly. This one-day event will be part of a larger week of meetings for our national groups and committees. We ask you to please be in prayer for those in leadership in our Fellowship as we seek to hear the Lord’s voice. There is much kingdom work the Lord has for us to do.

We look forward to seeing you—whether onsite in Mississauga or as one of our online participants. Thank you for living out your calling and being such an integral part of our PAOC family as we work together to see mission and ministry thrive in 2025.

- Dave Wells, General Superintendent

Registration is LIVE on the Whova app for this one-day event!

Click on the link below to register for the PAOC National Leadership Gathering and Annual General Meeting.

Your prompt registration will ensure that you receive updates in advance of March 25, including information for those eligible to vote. You must register whether attending in person or online as a voting delegate.

Please note that French translation will be provided online through a Zoom platform. If you require live French translation, more details will be provided after you register.

We look forward to having you join us as we come together around the theme of WE THE CALLED: BY NAME.

ONE-DAY EVENT: Tuesday, March 25, 2025

LOCATION: PORTICO a community church
1814 Barbertown Road, Mississauga, ON, L5M 2M5

TO REGISTER: Registration will go live on our Whova App on Thursday, February 6, 2025. Credential holders will receive an email prompt that day with registration particulars.

WHO SHOULD ATTEND: This day is open to all PAOC credential holders, church staff and leaders, board members, lay delegates, and visitors. Voting in the afternoon Annual General Meeting will be limited to those credential holders who register to vote and those who are registered as lay delegates from their local church.

You now can appoint and register a Lay Delegate for your affiliated assembly through the registration page on the Whova app at The Appointment of a Lay Delegate form is part of the registration process and will need to be completed in full for your Lay Delegate to be registered according to Article 8.1.3 of the General Constitution and By-Laws. You may also find the Appointment of a Lay Delegate form under documents on the Whova app, or using the forms below:
Lay Delegate Appointment Form 2025 AGM -- English| Lay Delegate Appointment Form 2025 AGM - French
Fill out .pdf and submit to Sharon Thomson via email at


8:00 - 9:00 amREGISTRATION
(coffee provided)
(held in main auditorium and via live stream / French translation provided on Zoom)
10:25 - 10:45 amCOFFEE BREAK
(held in the gym)
12:00 - 1:30 pmLUNCH & FELLOWSHIP TIME
(held in the gym - included for those who register in advance on the Whova app)
(in main auditorium and on live stream)
Conducted through the Simply Voting platform. Voting delegates will be required to register for the AGM in order to participate in online voting.  If attending in person, be sure to have a device with you which you can vote from (i.e., laptop, phone, iPad). Wi-Fi will be available.
Office of the General Superintendent:  Dave Wells
with representatives from: Mission Canada Brian Egert, Multiply Network Paul Fraser & Next Gen (Strategic Vision Committee)
Fellowship Services: Craig Burton
Including Finance Paul Robertson
Mission Global: Murray Cornelius
Together with Jeff Kelly and introduction to Darcy McAlister