Fall 2022 testimony/Enrich

Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony/Enrich. Read more.
FROM THE EDITOR: STAYING THE COURSE—Passing safely through the pressures of our day
by Stacey McKenzie
“As a member of a Fellowship formed around the work and the activity of the Spirit, I’m drawn back continually to the encouragement we have been given to trust God with what is unseen—both regarding matters that pertain to us uniquely and to the ‘bigger-picture’ matters of the kingdom.” Read more.
COVID-19 AND THE EROSION OF HOPE—A reminder of God’s unlimited grace
by John Kerr
“But this erosion of hope—what kind of abrasion is this? When hope erodes, as William Hannan says, ‘Sometimes, all you can do is lie in bed, and hope to fall asleep before you fall apart.’ How do we rekindle hope during such times? It is almost as though this is beyond our human capacity, something for which we need a special measure of divine grace.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
WHY IS THERE A DRAGON IN MY NATIVITY SCENE?— The thrill and the danger en route to Christmas
by Kaarina Hsieh
Pastor Kaarina Hsieh invites us to consider both the comforting invitation that the Advent season brings and the danger we face as we wait for the fulfilment of God's promises. Read more.
OF ALL MEN MOST PITIED—A father and pastor shares his journey through grief
by Blake Davidson
Jade Kenyamanyara and her husband, Julius, were serving as global workers in Tanzania for nine years when Jade suddenly fell ill and passed away a few days later. Her father, Blake Davidson, talks about his journey through grief and the lessons still being learned. Read more.
THE NOT-YET HOPE OF ADVENT—Why God’s greatest work is in the waiting
by Lindsey Gallant
“We all have our soul winters. Seasons where life seems chilled and crusted over, and we wonder, Will it ever end? The people of God have always been a waiting people. A winter people longing for the true and lasting spring.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
CALLED TO GO—Two inspiring female Pentecostal pioneers
by Caleb Courtney
Shirley Flewitt and Joan Cartledge are two Pentecostal women who understand what it means to follow God’s call to lead, wherever it takes them. Caleb took time to celebrate their contribution to the kingdom. [Full content available to subscribers.]
VALUING THE PAST, ANTICIPATING THE FUTURE—Introducing General Secretary Treasurer Craig Burton
An interview by Ron Davis
Craig Burton, general secretary treasurer of the PAOC, was elected at General Conference 2022 in Winnipeg, Man. Learn more about him, his family, and his perspective on his ministry transition in a recent interview with Ron Davis. Read more.
HITTING THE RESET BUTTON—A leadership coach shares lessons on longevity
by Bob Jones
Constant decision-making on both personal and organizational levels will tax even the most seasoned leaders over time. Leadership coach Bob Jones shares some lessons on longevity and navigating the need for both rest and resetting. [Full content available to subscribers.]
by Gary Adduono
What does it take for young leaders to flourish in their calling? For Gary Adduono, it began with people taking a chance on him, opening the way for him to learn and grow. In this issue, Gary takes you along his experience from his early days in ministry to current lessons being learned. [Full content available to subscribers.]
WHAT TO DO NOW—Why the Canadian church can’t return to normal
by Jeremiah Raible
“When the pandemic forced 30,000 churches in Canada to shutter their physical doors, there didn’t seem to be much of an outcry from anyone who wasn’t a Christian. What does that tell you about the church’s reputation as a force for good and love and hope in Canada?” [Full content available to subscribers.]
Our Stories
MISSION GLOBAL: BIBLICAL FOUNDATIONS FOR MISSION GLOBAL—Right thinking, right behaviour, right action
by Murray Cornelius
“We have a firm commitment to the belief that God is at work in people and in communities long before we arrive to bring the good news. Our mission is simply an extension of the ministry of Jesus.” Read more.
ERDO: SPARK JOY THIS CHRISTMAS!—Introducing our new gift catalogue
by Alicia Kolenda
“See what a huge and lasting impact a small gift makes? Each Christmas, we carefully curate our programs into gifts that will support families throughout the coming year.” Read more.
MISSION CANADA: A GREATER HARVEST—Gateway Community Church’s outreach story
by Michelle Mercer
“Christianity is a large part of life back home for many of these men and women, and without a connection with other believers and opportunities to worship together, the feelings of isolation only seem to increase. A holistic approach to ministering to migrant workers was the only way to see a harvest.” Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing orderdesk@paoc.org. The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at testimonyenrich.ca. Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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