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Urban Centres


83% of the total Canadian population lives in an 
urban context (Stats Can, 2016)

Canada’s rate of urbanization is 1.06% (annual rate of change, 2010-2015 est.)

According to Outreach Canada demographic research, only 18% of Canadians attend church regularly. 

In urban centres like Toronto, only 5% of the population can be categorized as consistent church attendees. To have one evangelical church for every 1,000 people, in Ontario alone, 8,594 new churches would need to be planted!

Evangelical churches have failed to gain an additional 2% of the Canadian population in the past 50 years. In other words, we are not even reaching our own children!

Evangelical planting of 1.6% annually falls behind population growth which is 1.9% annually.  North America is the ONLY continent where Christianity is not growing.

It is estimated that 165,000 Canadians die without Christ each year.