Reaching and Safeguarding a Generation
A few weeks ago, I put out a letter to you in the hopes of partnering with you in ensuring that our young people are able to make a smooth transition as they leave for university or college. To download a PDF of the letter, please click Campus Mission Canada - Partnering for Kingdom Advancement (2016). As you well know, it is a critical transition and it is important that we collectively take it seriously. I love it when we are able to help students connect with churches and ministries that give them an opportunity to grow. In many ways our students become missionaries to a whole new world.
At present, we are touching more than 50 campuses across the country, some of them in a big way. It enables us to connect students with ministries all across the country. We have connected students from BC with campus ministries in Ontario. You can read more about it on our website, which tells a bit of our story. There are pages that will connect you with our campus ministries. And here is a video which will help your people pray more effectively for our students and campuses.
Actually, we all have a role in ensuring that our young people become fully formed adults, equipped as Christians to be light and salt in the world. Pastors, leaders, youth workers, parents, family members, friends, students … we are all stakeholders. And the stakes are high.
I would love to have a conversation with you and your church. As a father of five kids who have all made the transition to university and beyond, a hands-on university chaplain, church planter and overseer to some of the finest university ministries in the country, I have access to a wide range of helpful information that can form the basis of a truly helpful conversation. To find out more, please connect to our PAOC page.
If it is possible, I am happy to come to you to facilitate a conversation with your church in order to both support your young people who are off to college, or to actually reach the campus on your front door. As you will see, we are doing more than simply maintaining the status quo; we are reaching and transforming the campus. As a result of my previous correspondence, I have had feedback from churches looking for ways to partner in reaching students and transforming the campus.
Would you please pass this note to the leaders in your church who would have a desire to support students and reach the campuses of our nation?