Youth Outreach
Czechia (Czech Republic)
To share Christ with the students on the university and high school campuses in Bernau, Prague and other university cities in Czech Republic. This position could be short or long term as you may engage in an outreach event or as a part of a church planting team.
Diverse skills may assist the work to proceed effectively. Skills identified include sport skills and coaching of sports, teachers willing to lead English clubs, worship team members, pastoral skills, discipleship skills, graphics and design. You will be part of a team that will disciple young people and assist to establish a church plant within one of the eight university cities.
If you had a Bachelor or Master's degree, there is opportunity to teach at the university and supplement your income with fundraising endeavours.
Peter Rattay and the Next Generation Ministry team of the Czech Apostolic (Pentecostal) Church would be your primary team. They would assist you in language acquisition and cultural immersion in addition to being your primary support team as you adapt to the culture.
Our Mission Global team will walk with you along the way – from application to deployment. Training, administrative support and mission coaching will be provided, along with assistance for promotional and fundraising efforts.