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Campus Chaplins

Various Countries : Slovakia, Czechia and Slovenia


A university campus chaplain in Europe serves as a vital resource for students, staff, and faculty by providing spiritual guidance, emotional support, and a sense of community within the academic environment. Additionally, a chaplain will have opportunity to help students with their English skills meaning learning the local language isn’t always necessary though it is always helpful. Campus chaplains play a major strategic role working in partnership with national leaders to bring people to Christ as university students are often spiritually open and searching for truth.

Opportunities for campus chaplains exist in Slovakia, Czechia and Slovenia.


To be an effective campus chaplain in Europe, one must possess a diverse set of skills that blend empathy, cultural awareness, and strong communication abilities. Excellent listening skills and emotional intelligence are essential for providing meaningful support to students, staff, and faculty facing personal challenges. Some basic skills and knowledge about helping students expand their understanding and skills in English would be an asset.


Our International Missions team will walk with you along the way – from application to deployment. Training, administrative support and mission coaching will be provided, along with assistance for promotional and fundraising efforts.