Sports Discipleship
A wonderful opportunity open for a young man to run Sports Ministry through our local church that reaches hundreds of teens, youth and young adults from the local slums. Throughout the week we conduct practices and games with these young people with the direction and leadership of a born-again believer from our church. There are many opportunities to personally counsel, pray with, and share the Gospel to the young men who attend this ministry, as well as many open doors to invite them to youth outreaches. Many have been saved and discipled through this ministry! Please consider this amazing opportunity and help us to find the right person who can effectively reach hundreds of young people from the slums and schools in our community.
We are looking for a young and energetic Canadian man (or young adult) to oversee this position for a minimum period of 6 months. He must be skilled in at least Soccer and able to teach/train as well. Other sports skills are also needed and appreciated such as volleyball, basketball, roller blading, skate boarding etc. Initiative and leadership skills are a must. This opportunity could be open to a couple of young men to serve together.
Accommodations, as well as help with food expenses and transportation for volunteers.
Our Mission Global team will walk with you along the way – from application to deployment. Training, administrative support and mission coaching will be provided, along with assistance for promotional and fundraising efforts.
