Bible College Lecturer
Local Bible colleges are the key to growing local, sustainable, indigenous churches and providing support to new church movements around the world. Do you love to teach? Can you commit a couple of weeks or a couple of years to investing in one of our international PAOC partner Bible Colleges? If you are an experienced Bible teacher we invite you to travel the world with GlobalEd!
Volunteer and Long-term opportunities exist in Africa, Europe, Asia and Latin America, and are available at various times throughout the year, depending on campus. Qualified applicants will have a Masters level (or higher) in area of expertise plus a minimum of five years experience teaching or working in area of expertise. Cross-cultural communication skills and willingness to serve local faculty will be needed.
Teachers are needed for the following topics
- Theological Research Methods
- Church Growth Strategies
- Colossians, Hebrews, Gospel Survey, Pastoral Epistles, etc
- New & Old Testament Surveys
- God & Angels
- Christian Counselling
- Inner City Ministry
- Women’s issues—pastoral expertise
- Sociology & Psychology
- Business practice & Management
- Entrepreneurship and Leadership
- African issues
- Media/Communication
- and many more.....
GlobalEd will connect you with our network of 50 colleges globally to teach Intensive courses ranging from 2-16 weeks duration. Lecturers will be welcome to stay on the Bible College campus, or find their own accommodations off-campus (context may determine best option)
Our Mission Global team will walk with you along the way – from application to deployment. Cross-cultural training, administrative support and coaching will be provided, along with assistance for promotional and fundraising efforts.