Drama/Arts Teacher
Villages of Hope Africa
Villages of Hope Africa is growing and leaning into the importance of arts and drama for their children as they open their new art centers. Villages of Hope Africa is looking for individuals who are passionate and skilled in the drama and/or arts to be a teacher to help children/youth develop their skills in the following areas: Script/Play writing, teaching performance arts, teaching art activities including painting, drawing, and leading arts and craft activities.
Experience in one or more of the following is required: theatre performance, educational background and practical experience teaching drama/arts to children. Ability to speak, perform and teach in front of audiences. Have an ability to patiently teach and help children walk through drama and arts activities. Having an understanding of the different art activities and techniques is an asset.
Our Mission Global team will walk with you along the way – from application to deployment. Training, administrative support and mission coaching will be provided, along with assistance for promotional and fundraising efforts. This position will be for a short-term deployment and training for Global Volunteers will be provided.