PAOC Announcement - The Passing of Rev. Dr. William A. Griffin

Rev. Dr. William A. Griffin
JULY 29, 1936 – MARCH 18, 2022
It is with great sorrow, yet immense gratitude for an amazing life lived for God's purpose and His glory, that we announce the passing of Rev. Dr. William A. Griffin.
Our dear friend and devoted colleague in ministry was called home to heaven on Friday, March 18, 2022, after having suffered a stroke a few days prior.
Bill, along with his late wife, Pat, served his Lord and the mission of the Church with such vision, expertise, intelligence, and whole-hearted diligence. His ministry within The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada as an Executive Officer, pastor, teacher, advisor to the Officers, and mentor, provided an example that stimulated many to be all that Jesus called them to be. Bill will be deeply missed and greatly remembered.
Our love and sincere sympathies are with Bill's five children and many grandchildren at this time of loss and grief. The family is grateful for your prayerful support as they plan for a private family funeral.
Dave Wells, Ron Davis, Murray Cornelius
PAOC Executive Officers
Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his faithful servants.
Psalm 116:15, NIV