This is Good News! A Story from the Rowleys – Global Workers in Cambodia

“Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness…my God, that is who You are.” Over this past year, that has been a popular song in our home. We have heard repeatedly that God is a God of miracles, and we have seen that in Cambodia and in our own family.
We want to share with you the story of SreyNeth. SreyNeth has been in our ChildCARE Plus program for a couple of years now and attends our weekly kids’ ministry in her village. One week we were teaching the children that God is our Healer. We asked the kids to write down on a Band-Aid® anyone in their life that needed healing and stick it to the cross at the front, and we prayed for all of the needs. Earlier that week, SreyNeth had travelled to Phnom Penh with some heart issues and found out that she would need heart surgery to correct a defect in her body. She was scared—anyone would be! So we prayed for her that day.
A few months later, SreyNeth was headed to the city once more for her surgery. During her pre-op, the doctors made an amazing discovery: her heart defect was gone! We had the opportunity to share with her and her family that we believe God was the one who made her whole and that God is the one who transforms us—mind, body and spirit!
In 2019, when we were in Canada on a home assignment, our daughter Emilyn broke her foot at the airport on the way home. She had broken it in two places, and the doctor who examined her in Ontario felt she might need surgery and advised us to get a second opinion when we arrived in Newfoundland. Emilyn was devastated. This was her time to run free outside at her grandparents’ place, something we can’t do in our big city in Cambodia. On the first Sunday in Newfoundland, while speaking at a supporting church, church members specifically anointed Emilyn and prayed for healing in her foot.
Two days later, we found ourselves at the children’s hospital and we prayed together that God would answer the prayers for Emilyn’s healing. When the doctor came in from taking the X-ray, he was baffled. He asked us, “Are you sure you broke your foot? I see nothing on the X-ray at all!” We did a happy dance and told the doctor that God had healed Emilyn. The boot came off, and she was free to enjoy the outdoors.
Maybe you have some things in your life that you are praying for that seem impossible for God to answer. Take it from SreyNeth and Emilyn: God is still the way maker, miracle worker and the promise keeper!
Ian, Tiffanie, Emilyn and Sophia Rowley are PAOC/PAONL global workers in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Click here to learn more about what God is doing through their ministry.
This piece was originally published in the Fall 2021 issue of Missions and Kids (MAK).
Photo courtesy Tiffanie Rowley.
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