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Fall 2021 testimony/Enrich

Fall 2021 testimony/Enrich

Cover of Fall 2021 testimony/Enrich - two candles burning on a table.


Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony/Enrich. Read more.

FROM THE EDITOR: Facing our Fears—Good News for every person, anywhere
by Stacey McKenzie

“We are currently facing circumstances that can arouse all sorts of fears. Yet the words “Do not fear” or “Do not be afraid” appear repeatedly in the Bible. In spite of it all, God asks us to fear Him only: the right kind of fear—a reverence, a respect, for how powerful He is; how much greater He is than any person, thing or outcome we might dread.” Read more.


THE OTHER BOYS OF BETHLEHEM—Living in the shadow of an ancient story
by Stephen Kennedy

Matthew’s gospel recounts the pain of the mothers of Bethlehem whose children died at King Herod’s command. Stephen persuades us to pause over this part of the nativity story this Christmas. Read more.


by James Clarence

Church attendance has been in decline for several years, and the pandemic has made it a challenging exercise. James reminds us of the importance of the spiritual discipline of church throughout the centuries—and today. Read more.


COVID VS. FAITH—Our kids’ growing trust in God’s plans
by Cheryl Ritskes

Just before the pandemic hit, one all-ages Sunday school class in Toronto learned about Philip and the baptism of the Holy Spirit among the Samaritans. Cheryl saw God at work, preparing them for what would come next. [Full content available to subscribers.]


I WAS IN PRISON AND YOU CAME TO ME—A look at what Jesus sees in the margins
Name Withheld

A prison volunteer gives us a window into what Jesus sees on the margins as he enters the stories of those passing through the criminal justice system. [Full content available to subscribers.]


HORIZON COLLEGE AND SEMINARY—What a difference a move makes
by Ron Kadyschuk

Ron describes the difference that moving locations in January 2021 has made for Horizon College and Seminary in Saskatoon, Sask., comparing the strategic shift to a move made by Central Pentecostal College in 1969. [Full content available to subscribers.]


THE BIBLE—Affirming the inerrancy of Scripture
by Dave Demchuk

Dave underscores the importance of holding to the truth of the inerrancy of all of Scripture—both the Old and New Testaments—as the Statement of Essential Truths is refreshed for The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada. Read more.


by Peter Cusick

Peter explores the foundations of the theology of creation as part of the PAOC’s refreshing of our Statement of Essential Truths (SOET)[Full content available to subscribers.]


by Andrew Gabriel

While God’s triune nature (three distinct persons in one—Father, Son and Holy Spirit) is difficult to understand or explain, Andrew impresses upon Pentecostal believers the importance of adhering to the traditional doctrine of the Trinity. [Full content available to subscribers.]


THE PROPHETIC LEADERSHIP OF BALAAM—Atypical leadership for an atypical time
by Chris Padiath

“Some people might want you to say and do one thing, other people might want you to say and do another, but what is the Lord asking you to say and do? Will you listen to the King Balaks in your life? Will you be persuaded by those who are influential, major stakeholders, or people in authority in your life? Or will you listen to the voice of the Lord?” [Full content available to subscribers.]

Our Stories

MISSION CANADA: FOUR PEOPLE – LIFE CHANGING CALLINGS—Taking the leap among Francophones in Quebec
by Tom and Val Harbour and Cal and Chrissy Krahn

“If you have been a longtime PAOC follower, do you recall the F.L.I.T.E. program of years gone by? Well, FIT4M, otherwise known as French Intensive Training for Ministry, is the PAOC’s ministry opportunity for English-speaking individuals who sense God’s call to reach francophones in Canada, but who may not be fully comfortable or fluent in the French language … yet. Tom and Val Harbour and Cal and Chrissy Krahn can relate. Each couple moved to Montreal and participated in the FIT4M program in 2019-2020. These are their stories.” Read more.


INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS: CONFRONTING HUMAN TRAFFICKING—Advocating for precious and vulnerable lives
by Gord. D. and L.

“When I first heard a message highlighting the number of unreached people groups that remained in the world, I was shocked! How could it be that over 2,000 years after Jesus gave us our mandate, we were still so far from the finish line? I couldn’t think of anything more important to God.” Read more.


ERDO: BACK TO SCHOOL—How education can end child labour
by Alicia Kolenda

“In many of the least developed countries where ERDO works, one in four children aged five to 17 are currently child labourers. For these nations whose children have lost so much during this pandemic, these statistics are not just devastating but a daily reality.” Read more.


You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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