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A Call to Global Prayer - UNITE714

A Call to Global Prayer - UNITE714


The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, as a member of the Pentecostal World Fellowship and Empowered21, invites you to be part of the global UNITE714 prayer movement. Its mission is to unite churches, pastors, leaders, and individuals across the globe to pray for a miraculous healing of our lands from the coronovirus and a spiritual awakening among the nations. 

Pastors, leaders, churches, and individuals from around the globe are joining together — with one heart, one voice, and one prayer — to see the COVID-19 halted, lives healed, hardships mitigated, people come to Christ, and an outpouring of God’s Spirit.

Let’s unite together across denominational, network, national, and ethnic lines.

Let’s gather with one heartbeat — to unite and focus our eyes on God, seek His help and healing, and believe for an awakening in every nation. 

God promises in 2 Chronicles 7:14, that when we humble ourselves, unite in prayer and seek His face, He will hear us, He will speak, He will forgive, and He will heal our lands.

Join the UNITE714 movement! 

Thousands of churches are joining in one united prayer during church services.

Untold thousands of believers are also praying the same prayer at 7:14 each morning and night. 

Let’s unite in prayer today!  

Visit to learn more. #COVID_19 #COVID19 #prayer #revival

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