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PAOC Prayer - Your Update for the Week of April 29, 2019

PAOC Prayer - Your Update for the Week of April 29, 2019

Re-revised PAOC Prayer Banner

PAOC Prayer is a weekly communication of prayer requests sent from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, Ont. To download a PDF version of PAOC Prayer, please click here.

Join us this week in praying for these specific needs in our nation, our world, and in our PAOC family of workers, both internationally and in Canada. If you have received this communication as a forwarded message and want to sign up for weekly prayer updates, click here.



Please pray for David Hazzard, General Secretary Treasurer for the PAOC, who was recently diagnosed with lung cancer. Pray for God to miraculously heal David, and for strength, comfort and encouragement for him and his family during this difficult time. Pray also for wisdom for the doctors who are treating him. You can follow David’s journey and ways you can pray for him and his family at



Please pray for Pastor Jean-Louis Beauchamp, his wife, Marie-Paule, and their children. Jean-Louis has been diagnosed with several cancerous and inoperable tumours in his brain. His illness is progressing very fast, and according to his doctor, he has a maximum of two to three weeks to live. Pray that God will grant healing, and comfort, encouragement and peace to Jean-Louis and his family during this difficult time. May Jean-Louis also experience relief from acute pain.



The “What’s Next” Men’s Ministry Tour is happening this week with events in Timmins on April 29, North Bay on April 30, Sudbury on May 1, and Sault Ste. Marie on May 2. Also, the “I Will Rise” Women’s Connection Conference will be happening May 3 to 4 in Grimsby, Ontario. Pray that God will encourage and unite these men and women as they gather, and that He will equip them with His vision to reach their communities for Christ. Pray also for blessing to extend to each of their families as a result of their time together.



The Maritime District, the Eastern Ontario and Nunavut District, and the Saskatchewan District Conferences are happening next week (May 6 to 8). May the leaders attending be encouraged and receive clear direction from the Lord as they worship Him, pray together and share ideas with each other on reaching their communities for Christ. Pray also for safe travel for everyone attending.


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