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Missions Hotline - Requests for the Week of February 13, 2017

Missions Hotline - Requests for the Week of February 13, 2017


The PAOC Missions Hotline is a weekly communication of prayer requests that may include PAOC global workers, Mission Canada workers, district or constituency prayer needs, and current Canadian or international news events and related needs. It is sent weekly from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, Ont. To download a PDF version of the Missions Hotline, please click here.

Week oF FEBRUARY 13, 2017

Thomas & Laura Fodor


Please pray for Laura, who was hospitalized late last week. Pray that God will put His healing touch upon her and that He will bless the doctors with wisdom on how to treat her. Pray also that God will encourage and grant peace to Tom and their two daughters, Connie and Anita, during this time.


Andrew Bailey


Please pray that God will bless Andrew with wisdom and guidance as he ministers in Thailand, including teaching ESL (English as a Second Language). Pray for the hearts of the Thai people to be open to receiving the gospel. Pray also for favour for Andrew in the relationships he has with people he hopes to reach for Christ. 



Please pray for the nearly 200,000 people in California who were ordered to evacuate on Sunday afternoon. An emergency spillway at the nation's tallest dam has been eroding and could unleash uncontrolled flood waters if it fails. Hundreds of cars were sitting in bumper-to-bumper traffic as people fled the area. More than 500 people were at an evacuation centre, but it ran out of blankets and cots. Storms are forecasted for later this week. Pray that God will provide the engineers with a solution to prevent flooding. Pray also that He will comfort and encourage the people who are evacuating and that relief supplies will get to those who need them most.

The PAOC is a member of the World Assemblies of God Fellowship. Visit regularly for updates on a wide range of global prayer needs. 

Please feel free to copy and paste this content as needed for your communication purposes. The Missions Hotline is sent weekly from The PAOC International Office in Mississauga, ON. Send in your inquiries to Kevin Brown:

We also encourage you to visit every week for the latest global worker prayer updates.