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ZOE Projects: Helping Women Thrive

ZOE Projects: Helping Women Thrive

We work to connect Canadian women with the work that our global workers and national partners are doing in reaching women around the globe. We tell the “story” of our partners through the ZOE Projects website and social media, providing tangible ways for Canadians to partner strategically.  

ZOE is a Greek word meaning “absolute fullness of life, life which belongs to God, life real and genuine, a life active and vigorous, to last forever.” It refers to the life that God Himself lives. While we respond to physical and social needs, we are motivated by the desire to reach women in order to meet their spiritual needs as well … helping women see their value as image bearers of Christ, inviting them into the life they were created for. 

In developing ZOE Projects, we strongly believe that if we raise and empower female leaders in Canada, it will have a ripple effect on the international work we engage in. This has birthed a desire to develop ZOE Leadership, which is a collaboration with districts and churches to help empower local leaders in their communities. The material is flexible enough to meet the specific needs of different contexts, whether in Canada or eventually overseas. 

Project #1: Micro-Enterprise Empowerment Initiative, India

10939112_10153124195289416_1382099840_oLiving God Church was planted in Chennai in 2006 by PAOC global workers, Christo and Sarah Emmanuel. It is strategically reaching out to the needs of women in their community. Through “Life Centres,” they provide women with access to education, skills training and much needed resources. It is here that women learn marketable skills that can lead to greater opportunities for income generating. Life Centres also function as a hub for evangelistic outreaches and discipleship where the Gospel of Christ is shared and received! 

As this program continues to grow and attract more women in the community, Sarah finds herself limited in space to continue to develop the program. We want to help send funds to expand their facility. This would facilitate this program's continued growth and impact in the community. 

Project #2: Supporting Victims of Sexual Violence, Malawi


A recent survey carried out in Malawi by CDC with UNICEF and the Government of Malawi found that 69% of girls and women in Malawi have experienced some form of sexual assault. Unfortunately the support services available for these victims are very limited. The primary goal of Fountain of Life (FOL) is to address this gap and find ways to help the many girls and women begin a healing process that will help them recover and become survivors.

The government of Malawi is establishing “One Stop Centres” at all the major hospitals in the country to provide trauma counselling. This model is heavily reliant on organizations like Fountain of Life to provide a counselling program, as well as volunteers. All of the FOL volunteers are Christians who believe that God is the only one that can truly heal the deepest wounds that come through a rape.

Project #3: Investing in Female Leaders Around the Globe


Want to make a great investment?  Educate women and watch for an incredible return!

There are smart women around the globe who feel called to leadership positions in the church, but lack the resources to pursue the needed training. Unfortunately women face even greater challenges to accessing education. These women are uniquely positioned to bring the gospel to places where we as Canadians simply cannot go. 

An example of one of these women is Dorcas. Dorcas is a wife and mother to four daughters. She and her husband pastor a church outside of Nairobi. She works with women presently, but her dream is to reach out even further to women in rural communities to provide skills training and fight poverty through income generating projects.

This is a leading woman and we want to support her as she furthers her education at Pan Africa Christian University. This education will equip her more fully for her ministry to women in Kenya.

We are passionate about training and supporting these future female leaders worldwide. We look for high capacity women who are gifted and called into vocational ministry, but lack the necessary resources or support to do so. 

Together, let’s help women find their voice and say to the world: 

Its NOT who the world says I am, it is who HE says we are.”