January/February 2015 testimony

Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony. Read more.
Equal Is As Equal Does—Living out the higher principle of equality
Higher Principle Living: A Call to Redemptive Leadership is the title of a small book published by the PAOC and distributed to credential holders in the fall of 2014. Over the next few issues, we will be sharing condensed versions of several chapters with our testimony readers. In the first of these features, Lynn Kohls looks at the higher principle of equality. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Begin With Goodbye—Thoughts on learning to leave well
January marks a season of beginnings. The calendar turns a year older. People make resolutions to change their ways or to start new projects. But every beginning includes an ending. Arriving requires leaving. David Kennedy works with people who are facing the ultimate “leaving” in life and offers his thoughts on what it means to leave well. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Living Without Jim—A memoir from the unexpected path of aloneness
At the age of 46, Sue Keddy began her journey on what she calls the unexpected path of aloneness. Following the sudden death of her husband, Sue recorded her thoughts and feelings in a journal she called“Living Without Jim.” Living Without Jim: A Memoir was recently published and is reviewed by Robert Jones, longtime friend and colleague. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Remember Vincent—Doing good to all people, one person at a time
Ron Powell learned a powerful truth in church one Sunday. It didn’t come from a sermon or a Sunday school lesson. He didn’t hear it in the words of a hymn or a prayer. It came from the lips of a stranger. And he’s never forgotten it. Read more.
Between a Rock and a Hard Place—Discovering God to be more than enough
It’s not normally a place we choose to go, although our choices may be what land us there. Sometimes we end up there through no fault of our own—victims of circumstances or, worse, of someone else’s cruel decisions. However we arrive there, Sue Baxter wants to assure us that between a rock and a hard place is not a God-forsaken place. Read more.
From Broken to Better—Finding hope when there are no answers
In the wake of his wife’s tragic death, Michael Voll wrestled with a world full of questions. Some well-meaning people offered him answers, but their words rang hollow. What he has discovered since that day of great sorrow is that some questions have no answers, and that life can go from broken to better in spite of that fact. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Departmental Stories
ZOE Projects is an initiative launched by the International Missions department of the PAOC. It consists of a network of Canadian churches that cares deeply about reaching, equipping and caring for women around the world. Keith Waara, the director of development and strategic initiatives for International Missions, interviewed Leanne McAlister, the Canadian liaison for ZOE Projects. Read more.
MISSION CANADA: HANGRY, ANYONE?—Tune in to Your Hunger Pangs
Jessica DiSabatino, the ministry development specialist for Mission Canada, relates the links between being physically hungry and spiritually hungry and offers some suggestions on how we can remedy this. Read more.
ERDO: A POWERFUL INFLUENCE—The Monumental Impact of Child Sponsorship
It begins with a child, but many other people are involved. Learn about how sponsoring children affects everyone involved, changes them eternally and the importance of becoming involved with sponsoring your own child with ERDO. Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing orderdesk@paoc.org. A digital version of the full issue is now available! Please also free to check out past articles from previous issues at testimonymag.ca.
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