September/October 2014 testimony

Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony. Read more.
MWALIMU—A Tribute to Irving Whitt
According to Ed Stetzer, “a missiologist is a specialist who studies and is trained in the science of missions.” Their work, according to Stetzer, a missiologist himself, is accomplished “at the intersection of gospel, culture, and the church.” By that definition, Irving Whitt was a missiologist. His contributions to our PAOC Fellowship and to the world of Christian mission were, and will continue to be, felt around the globe. Murray Cornelius offers this tribute to a mentor and friend. [Full content available to subscribers.]
THE LAW, LETTERS AND LIFE—What happens when letters become more than words on a page?
Scott Stiller went to the General Conference of the PAOC unsure what to expect when Resolution 11 came to the floor for debate. He wasn’t alone. But what he heard and saw during the debate on the consumption of alcohol by credential holders left him with a feeling of deep appreciation for our Fellowship. He came home and wrote this reflection on the law, letters and life. Read more.
A CRISIS OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS—Digesting the findings of a recent study
Do you read the Bible? Do you reflect on the meaning of what you read in the Bible? Do you have conversations with other people about what you read in the Bible? Does it matter if you do or not? Robert Jones thinks the findings of a recent study of Canadians and the Bible are a wake-up call. Read his challenge to Canadian Christians to “step out and step up.” Read more.
TALK TO STRANGERS—Challenging an age-old admonition
Like most of us, Ron Powell was taught as a child not to talk to strangers. It’s a deeply ingrained way of living that he’s been trying to change—thanks to an article in the New York Times and an overly friendly airline passenger. [Full content available to subscribers.]
PIECE OF MIND—Thoughts on faith, creativity and life in general
Montreal author, Ann-Margret Hovsepian, would like to give you a piece of her mind. She offers them up for the taking on her blog called Piece of Mind. You can drop in and help yourself to a sampling of her thoughts at Or try the three tasty appetizers we’ve selected for you inside. [Full content available to subscribers.]
LANGUAGE TRAINING—The enduring influence of Dr. Gary Chapman’s relational insights
It’s been 22 years since Dr. Gary Chapman first introduced his concept of love languages. Millions of copies later, The Five Love Languages is still being bought and read by people all over the world. Lisa Hall-Wilson talked with Dr. Chapman about his writings and his upcoming visit to Canada. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Departmental Stories
ERDO: A DIFFERENT HARVEST—How a Small Saskatchewan Church Turns The Tide on Hunger
Hunger is a formidable enemy. Learn how Beaubier Pentecostal Church in Beaubier, Saskatchewan is partnering with ERDO (as a member of the Canadian Foodgrains Bank) to make a difference in fighting world hunger. Read more.
INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS: STAYING THE COURSE—Advice For GWs and Their Supporters When a Mission Seems Stuck
Global workers these days are able to return to Canada more frequently for various reasons. Sometimes returning back overseas can be delayed for several reasons. A RAN worker offers principles to keep in mind when this happens as global workers and supporters navigate extended time in Canada together in relationship. Read more.
MISSION CANADA: FOR THE LOVE OF MISSIONS—Expressing God's Heart for Canada and the World
Sara Curdie serves as the missions pastor at First Assembly Church in Calgary, Alberta. She encourages us to consider how we can be a part of God’s quest to reach souls for Christ in our communities, our nation, and the rest of the world—not as a one-time event, but as a lifestyle. Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing A digital version of the full issue is now available! Please also free to check out past articles from previous issues at
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