June 8 - Pentecost Sunday Live Webcast
Easter greetings friends,
I trust you will have an Easter season marked by the Spirit’s presence as you proclaim the wonder of the cross and the power of our Lord’s resurrection. As a Pentecostal Fellowship, we also look forward to Pentecost 2014 (June 8, 2014) and the opportunity to emphasize the Spirit-empowered life Jesus promised to those who seek it. We have joined with the Spirit-empowered movement worldwide including the Pentecostal World Fellowship and Empowered21 to invite our churches to focus on the person and work of the Spirit at Pentecost.
This year we are participating in a unique, historical event as a number of Pentecostal/Charismatic fellowships and ministries across Canada join together for a live webcast on June 8th. Hosted by Empowered21, this one hour event will focus on three shared values the sponsoring Pentecostal-Charismatic ministries (including the PAOC) have. They are:
- Our shared commitment to unity – the focus will be on the values that unite us
- Our shared desire to be empowered by the Spirit for mission in Canada today
- Our passion to see the Spirit-empowered life passed on to our next generations
The broadcast coming from CTS in Burlington, ON, and Pacific Academy in Surrey, BC, will occur on June 8, 2014 at 7 p.m. Atlantic, 6 p.m. Eastern, 5 p.m. Central, 4 p.m. Mountain, and 3 p.m. Pacific. It will include live and recorded interviews, video features and live worship. The general public is welcome to attend telecasts at these venues.
Churches that participate can also have worship, prayer and sharing at their location prior to and/or following the broadcast. Churches that have shared Pentecost services can build their celebration around the one hour program. Individuals are welcome to live stream the event. The webcast link is www.crossroads360.com.
To receive further information, please reply to this email or contact Colleen Stuckless in my office at cstuckless@paoc.org. If you have any technical questions please contact ebrown@crossroads.ca
Resources and Promotional Links
Empowered21 also has resources in English and French to help you preach and teach on the Holy Spirit for Pentecost 2014. Resources are made available with a password after registering.
E21 Pentecost 2014 Home page: http://empowered21.com/pentecost/index.php.
Registration: http://empowered21.com/pentecost/register.php.
Promo video links:

Pentecost 2015
Exciting plans are also in place for a global celebration in Jerusalem for Pentecost 2015. The link http://www.jerusalem2015.com provides more information regarding this conference with over 10,000 Spirit-empowered believers expected from around the world. The contact for E21 Canada participants is Avie Esakov of International Heritage Tours (email avie@ihtours.com). We will also be providing more information regarding the Pentecost 2015 Celebration in Jerusalem at General Conference in Saskatoon.
Together in unity for Spirit-empowered impact in all generations!
Dave Wells