Rev. Peter Dove
Regional Director - Southeast Asia

Peter Dove was recently appointed as the regional director for Southeast Asia (SEA). Peter and his wife, Cavelle, have served in Asia since 2002, and have three sons: Matthew, Benjamin and Charles. They founded Imagine Thailand, a ministry that links university students to marginalized communities in Thailand. In 2012 they relocated to Yangon, where Cavelle co-founded the Yangon Bakehouse, a social enterprise bringing jobs and economic empowerment to women in Myanmar, while Peter leads the DeBoer Fellowship for mid-level leaders.
Peter and Cavelle were instrumental in quarterbacking the PAOC responses to the 2004 tsunami that devastated Southern Thailand and the 2008 Cyclone Nargis in Myanmar. Passionate about developing young leaders, they have been an integral part of SEA Region’s growth by actively recruiting and mentoring new workers to join the SEA team.