Spring 2023 testimony/Enrich

Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony/Enrich. Read more.
by Stacey McKenzie
“If I could describe one aspect of my new faith journey that pervades my thinking and choices even after 20 years, gives me strength and hope, and helps me to recognize the enduring credibility of God’s work in and through the church, it would be the work of the Holy Spirit.” Read more.
FROM OUR BIBLE COLLEGES, PART 2—Horizon College & Seminary and Aboriginal Bible Academy
Anna Morgante is a Mission Canada worker studying at Horizon College & Seminary while responding to God’s call to urban ministry. Read about her and other students pursuing theological studies at Horizon College and Aboriginal Bible Academy. [Full content available to subscribers.]
DOUBLE VISION—Seeing through the Saviour’s eyes
by Jordan Hageman
When you look into the future, what do you see? Jordan Hageman invites us to look at the life of Jesus and to see as He did, with double vision—keeping both reality and eternity in view. [Full content available to subscribers.]
SEVEN PILLARS OF WISDOM—The foundation of a godly life
by Rose McCormick Brandon
"Wisdom is like a house. When the foundation is unstable, walls crack, doors stick, chinks appear in the concrete, water seeps in, the roof sags—a defective foundation spoils the whole building. Jesus used the idea of building a house to illustrate that wisdom is the foundation of a godly life. He said those who act on His words are like the “wise man who built his house on the rock” (Matthew 7:24). The wise Christian builds a life on these seven pillars found in Proverbs." Read more.
by Doug Beacham
Doug Beacham, chairman of the Pentecostal Charismatic Churches of North America (PCCNA), reminds us of the purpose of Pentecost and truths we can remember and take hold of as Pentecost Sunday approaches. [Full content available to subscribers.]
by Bruce Clemenger
The law on Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID) was first passed in 2016. In March 2021, the law expanded access beyond terminal illness as its exclusive focus. Bruce Clemenger, senior ambassador and president emeritus of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada (EFC), explains the implications. Read more.
FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS— Challenges and opportunities in leadership and relationship
by Andy Gabruch
“Obviously, even in our polarized and personalized world, a local church that is humble is the best place to be on earth. A local church that is humble, aware, focused on mission and unified is better than any other place on earth. This can happen. This is happening. This will happen.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
by Jeffery Hillier
How should our churches and ministries address the continual need for attracting and retaining new leaders for every ministry area? Jeffery Hillier explains his church’s strategy for ensuring it does its part to maximize the leadership pipeline. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Our Stories
MISSION CANADA: LIFE LAUNCH—Fuel for a student’s next chapter
by David Burke
“Life Launch is a series of discipleship videos geared to high-school-age students, and those in their post-secondary years. They focus on a variety of topics including discovering life’s purpose, managing mental health, finding community, adulting from the basement, and doing life on mission.” Read more.
MISSION GLOBAL: STEADFAST AND IMMOVABLE—Remembering global workers Dave Wood and Juli O.
“They dedicated many years of service to the One who saved them and called them to a higher purpose. And death holds no victory over either Dave or Julie. They are now experiencing indescribable joy in His presence!” [Full content available to subscribers.]
ERDO: OUR THEORY OF CHANGE—How humanitarian work happens
by Alicia Kolenda
“In many countries, we have one type of program or another. But lately, we’ve been learning how to layer our programs, integrating them together to create the biggest impact possible on a community. When we educate children, work with their parents to develop the community, and bring crisis relief for immediate help, we can assist the whole family now and for many years to come.” Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing orderdesk@paoc.org. The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at testimonyenrich.ca. Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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