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Update for Our testimony Subscribers

To Our SubscDWTestribers: An Update from David Wells, General Superintendent

For reasons involving stewardship and the enhancement of the scope of our hard-copy communications, we are integrating the testimony and Enrich publications. Each quarter, a combined edition of testimony and Enrich will be produced that tells the story of God at work among us, speaks to the realities of being a disciplined follower of Jesus today, and provides insight for leaders among us, both credentialed and volunteer. In this way we will ensure that our subscribers and credentialed leaders are receiving the same insight and inspiration. As a testimony subscriber, for the same annual cost you will receive this combined, expanded publication four times a year. Enrich recipients will also now receive the combined publication at the same (quarterly) frequency. Watch for it starting in April 2019 with our centenary edition. 

As noted in our tribute to him, this is the final edition Steve Kennedy will be editing. In addition to Steve, we honour the diligent work and creativity provided by our art director and graphic designer, Andrew Guthrie. As Andy completes his service on behalf of the testimony, we offer our sincere gratitude and appreciation for his work done with excellence through the years. We also express our appreciation to Kent Allison and Jordan Hageman, who have served as assistant editors with Enrich. We have benefited from their expertise and creativity.

We are pleased to announce that commencing with the Spring 2019 edition of the combined testimony-Enrich magazine, our editor will be Stacey McKenzie. Stacey serves as the publications manager for the PAOC and has been very instrumental in shaping our written communications with a skill and spiritual sensitivity that represents the Lord and the PAOC well. Her editorial abilities are very evident, and we confidently move into the future with her as the testimony-Enrich editor.

David Hazzard, who has served as the editor of Enrich, Natalie Rogge, our communications director, and I as executive director of testimony, will remain strongly engaged with the direction and messaging of our publications, including the integrated testimony-Enrich publication.

Thank you, our faithful readers, for continuing to engage the PAOC’s communications, through both print and electronic publications. We trust that by doing so, your participation in our shared spiritual journey and mission will be informed and inspired.

Your brother in Jesus,

Rev. David Wells
General Superintendent, The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada