September/October 2015 testimony

Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony. Read more.
WAITING FOR THE WORLD TO CHANGE—Thoughts on the parable of the weeds
Why isn’t God doing anything about the suffering in the world? Why does God, if He is all-powerful and loving, seem so passive towards evil? If you haven’t asked these kinds of questions yourself, you have probably had someone ask you them. Robert Osborne looks at one of Jesus’ parables to see what He had to say about the presence of evil in the world. [Full content available to subscribers.]
MY KIDS GO TO PUBLIC SCHOOL—AND I'M OK WITH THAT—A Christian mother’s confession
Jordan Hageman didn’t get the miracle she prayed for, but she is grateful for the ones she received instead. This mother of three has discovered a few things about having a child in the public school system. She tells about the miracles and shares some of the lessons she’s learned. Read more.
SEEKING ALLAH, FINDING JESUS—A devout Muslim encounters Christianity
Nabeel Qureshi’s love for Islam defined and directed his life until a close college friend defended the Christian message with compelling evidence and disrupted everything he knew about religion, faith and meaning. Robert Jones reviews this moving story and shares seven insights he gained from reading Seeking Allah, Finding Jesus. Read more.
TAKING CHANCES—Peachland artist textures her works with fabric and faith
At Elma Eidse Neufeld’s stage of life most people have stopped taking chances. Thankfully, she is not one of them. Every time she picks up a brush or rips a piece of paper, she sees it as an act of faith. In her words, “I usually start with an attitude of risk, of taking chances, playing with colours and shapes until I can see where the work takes me.” Neufeld is an artist who is a Christian, and the beauty she creates is an expression of God’s lovely world. [Full content available to subscribers.]
MEMO: THE CULTURE HAS SHIFTED—Learning to live well while living at odds
A recent Angus Reid poll reveals that the majority of Canadians are at odds with evangelical Christians on many social issues. Beyond disagreeing with us, a good number of Canadians have negative feelings toward us. Ron Powell believes we need to accept this new reality and learn how to lovingly live out kingdom values in a shifting culture. [Full content available to subscribers.]
LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT—Living with Lewy body dementia
Sometimes life is changed in the time it takes to step off a curb. Other times the forces that eventually turn our world upside down creep in unseen and settle in for the long haul. Over a period of 10 years, Ruth Roberts Johnstone watched her husband Steve lose his vitality, his independence and his life’s calling, never knowing for sure what was responsible. Here is the story of their encounter with Lewy body dementia. [Full content available to subscribers.]
Departmental Stories
God is at work in the world of equipping. He is raising leaders from the whole church for works of service that He has prepared in advance for them to do. Join Kirk Kauffeldt, new director of GlobalEd, the equipping arm of the PAOC, on a journey around the globe to places where church leaders are being launched into the work of making disciples everywhere. Read more.
Over 80 per cent of Canadians live in urban centres in major population hubs. The gaps between the haves and have-nots is a growing chasm. The rich get richer and the poor get by with less. Kevin Rogers, Urban Centres co-ordinator for Mission Canada, invites you to look at the real "downtown" of places where you live. Read also about Mission Canada's vision on finding an urban worker force to reach people for Christ. Read more.
ERDO: AFTER THE SHOCK—Community and Communion in the Rubble of Nepal
Follow David Adcock, chief executive officer of ERDO, on his recent visit to Nepal, shortly after an earthquake and major aftershocks devastated the area. He saw firsthand the effects of this disaster on the country, but also what is being done to support the people of Nepal. Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing A digital version of the full issue is now available! Please also free to check out past articles from previous issues at
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