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This is Good News! A Story from Shellbrook Pentecostal Assembly on Their Ministry of Helps

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by Pastor David Bodvarson

“2020 was no typical year in the life of our church. As a congregation we have set up a ministry of helps. It involves shingling roofs among other things. Because as a church we didn’t meet in person for some time, we were able to do a number of roofing projects instead! We started with a major project shingling Parkside Heritage Centre. This was some project that likely took two weeks or so.

“In 2021 we set aside time to do three projects in the summer. We ask the customer to buy the material and we provide the labour. We don’t charge any fees for our services—we simply invite a voluntary donation. There are a couple projects we completed where the individuals we helped couldn’t donate, which was fine. For one project, we even raised the money to buy the material. We just desire to be a blessing to Shellbrook community and area.

“As a church we decided to sponsor a Christian refugee family. This year any donations we receive from roofing will go towards the refugee fund.”

Picture below: Parkside Heritage Centre – The Shellbrook Pentecostal Helps Ministry group shingled this centre in May/June 2020. Photo courtesy Shellbrook Pentecostal Assembly.

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