This is Good News! A Story from Anna Morgante
One of the families I have built a relationship over the years had contacted me requesting winter jackets. She is a single mother with three children and had been evicted from their home and were living in a hotel suite. They are also struggling with medical challenges and had lost several family members. I was able to obtain five winter jackets through faithful donors and deliver them to this family with a warm meal. The mother sent me a message thanking me for the warm jackets as they all came in handy during the winter storm that we had in Winnipeg back in December. She mentioned how she and her children would love to go back to church and if there were any programs they could attend where people would be in contact with them. I was able to refer them to online services and will connect them to in-person programs once COVID-19 restrictions are lifted. I make the effort to contact this family regularly and to let them know they are not forgotten!
Even though these are challenging days with COVID-19, the Lord has shown me that every day is a gift, and that we can find our hope in serving Him and helping others, and in that, we will experience the joy of the Lord! My heart as a Mission Canada worker is for others to find a real encounter with Jesus. The harvest is plentiful and much work has yet to be done!
Photos courtesy Anna Morgante.