We are just days away from our first ever General Conference where all our participation will be in an online environment. We are thankful for the opportunity to come together with the use of technology that will allow us to gather virtually and conduct the necessary business required constitutionally. But, just as importantly, we are anticipating an inspiring day together on Tuesday, May 5 starting at 11:00 a.m. EDT. Even though we are unable to be together onsite in Halifax, let me share with you some of the highlights that our team has been pulling together for this exciting day on May 5:
- We will hear from our Maritime district superintendent, Kevin Johnson. We have been interceding for our friends in the Maritimes in recent days, and we want to continue to support them and the work they are doing as part of our PAOC family. We will have opportunity to pray together and to bless them on that day.
- You will hear from our Strategic Vision Committee as they communicate the results from a recent survey conducted across our Fellowship. They will also lay out plans for our ongoing work focused on discipling, equipping and releasing the next generation. You will hear of some new resources coming out of our Mission Canada Guiding Groups as we seek to empower leaders, pastors and parents.
- Dr. Van Johnson will provide a 13-minute update on the work of our Theological Study Commission with regards to the review and refresh of our Statement of Essential Truths
- David Hazzard will lead us in a time of honouring faithful leaders who have passed on in the last two years. That will be closely followed by an opportunity to share a meaningful time of communion online
- You will be inspired by Phil Kniesel, one of the conference speakers who was to be with us in Halifax. Phil’s message to us as a Fellowship is timely and challenging!
- Be part of the PAOC’s ongoing vision and direction as we move forward together as a family in God’s work. We will spend time in God’s Word and will hear reports from our Executive Officers, those giving leadership in the areas of revitalization and multiplication, our reimagining process through the good work of International Missions, an update from ERDO as they “do good” globally, and more. You won’t want to miss the live and pre-recorded times planned with you, our PAOC family, in mind.
Please note that registration closes on Sunday, May 3 at 11:00 p.m. Eventbrite will send an automatic message to that effect if you attempt to register after that time. Lay delegate registration letters will not be processed if received after 11:00 p.m. on May 3.
IMPORTANT: Only voting members are required to register (credentialled and appointed lay delegates).
We do, however, encourage others to view online using the livestream link provided below.
General Conference Livestream Links for May 5:
English Livestream:
French Livestream:
French Audio Translation Link:
Instructions for French Livestream/Audio Translation:
1. Open your web browser (Safari, Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, FireFox).
2. Paste the French Livestream YouTube link that was given above, into your web browser and hit “enter.”
3. Open a “new tab” in your web browser.
4. In the new tab, paste the French Audio Translation Link given above.
5. Once in the French audio translation link, disable your video and microphone using the two icons that appear in the monitoring window.
6. Click the green button. [Doing this joins you into the translation group with our French translators.]
7. Once in, make sure your volume is up on both the French translation tab and the YouTube livestream tab.
8. You can balance the two volumes to your liking, using the volume icon on the YouTube livestream video.
NOTE: - All live speech from the broadcast location will be translated through the French Audio Translation Link. All VIDEOS will be played with French audio through the YouTube livestream link.
- Depending on your internet connection, the translation may be delayed by milliseconds compared to the English audio
Technology and Tech Assistance prior to May 5:
We strongly encourage you to visit this page on our website in advance of next Tuesday to ensure you have no technology issues with your livestream or voting process: Here you will find troubleshooting tips related to technology and the online platforms being used. If you have specific questions, fill out the inquiry area and our Helpdesk team will be more than happy to assist you.
Please have your communion elements ready (grape juice and bread/cracker) before our 11:00 a.m. EDT start time. We want you to be prepared for the opportunity to participate with David Hazzard in this remembrance of the Lord’s sacrifice for us.
We look forward to being together, even if virtually, on May 5. We may be living through uncertain times, but we know the One who has called us and Who is faithful!
David Wells
General Superintendent, PAOC