A tribute to Stephen Kennedy, testimony Editor

A Tribute to Stephen Kennedy, testimony editor
Stephen Kennedy has been our testimony editor since May 2007, and the first issue with his editorial was published in July 2007. In close collaboration with our office, Steve has done the creative and diligent work of gathering stories, shaping the magazine’s direction, fielding and pondering feedback, guiding our writers, and telling our Fellowship’s story for more than 11 years. So it was with sadness that we received his resignation in the fall of 2018, capping the end of a decade plus of stewardship over a vast collection of precious manuscripts. Stories and testimonies that helped to demonstrate God’s faithfulness in our lives as believers and in the life of our Fellowship. Perspectives that sometimes challenged our customary thinking and kept our conversations lively!
Steve’s experience as a writer, pastor, and subsequently as a speaker and representative for an interdenominational mission agency no doubt gave him a depth and breadth of spiritual perspective of great value to our readers. A brief survey of his contributions reflects a vast array of issues impacting our Christian life and experience as a Pentecostal family. He has invited us to find and deepen our genuine identity in Christ. He has asked us to question subtle nuances influencing the ways we perceive and embrace or label and reject our neighbours. He has encouraged us to grow in true and consistent obedience through life-changing worship and Spirit-led prayer. He has faithfully highlighted PAOC and other initiatives that help to alleviate poverty and distress in Canada and internationally, draw people into God’s kingdom, and use their changed lives for His purposes. He has been transparent about his spiritual struggles—struggles we all go through at one time or another—with the questions, experiences, and personal or world events that seem to confront our closely held scriptural beliefs. And He has encouraged us to remain faithful, that we might ultimately experience the fullness of God’s promises.
Beyond all of this, Steve has been a great champion of the written word. He often reminds us of the importance of reading, regularly sharing the delight it has brought to his life. In addition, he has placed a consistent priority on supporting Canadian Christian writers through his participation in various Christian writing initiatives. His work has been a reflection of his ongoing commitment to honing his craft as a writer as well as maintaining connections with other writers who also want to share their experiences and perspectives with excellence.
We wish to honour you, Steve, for your dedicated service to the life of testimony magazine. One quote from your January 2010 editorial stands out: “To handle the thoughts of another person—no matter at what level of eloquence they are offered and regardless of whether I am in total agreement with them or not—is a task I take seriously. The writer has taken the risk of trusting me to sift their words; I can do no less than treat that trust with respect and integrity.” You have certainly been true to your words, and now we want to take the time to say, “Well done!” We are incredibly grateful for the time we were able to serve alongside you. We appreciate you and thank God for who you are and all He has done through you. We pray His blessing on this next exciting season He has for you!
David Wells, General Superintendent
Natalie Rogge, Communications Director
Stacey McKenzie, Publications Manager