To: All Member Organizations and Ministers & Pastors in those Movements
From: Jeff Farmer, President
Date: March 16, 2017
Subject: Gifts of the Spirit
Woven into the fabric of Pentecostal Charismatic life and ministry is the bedrock reality of the pneumatikos-"spiritual gifts." We believe these are not relics of the past, but blessings for the present.
I have experienced and witnessed these gifts time and again. You have as well.
PCCNA wants to write a book about it ... by using your stories, or those with which you are familiar. We want to build faith and inspire belief in a real, living Holy Spirit. And importantly, we want to demonstrate that He moves in North America here and now - not just on the mission field with our parents and grandparents.
BroadStreet Publishing is partnering with PCCNA in this venture. We've retained an experienced, award-winning writer, Dean Merrill. Together we believe that a book that showcases authentic gifts in action will appeal not only to Christians and seekers, but will also have crossover appeal to a curious, secular culture.
Would you help us collect these stories? Here is what I ask of you:
- Short thumbnail sketches (just two or three paragraphs) of real-life gift examples you think should be considered for the collection. You don't have to write the full episode; just hit the high points. (Make sure the story took place in North America during the last 25 years.)
- Be certain to include your phone number and email address.
- Send us as many as you want. Please, the more we have, the better our content will be.
- If your story finds its way to the top, our writer will then contact people for phone interviews.
- We want ALL the gifts of the Spirit represented-the gift of healing, yes, but also gifts of extraordinary faith, of discerning of spirits, of a word of wisdom, of tongues and interpretation, of the working of miracles, of prophecy, etc.
SO PLEASE PUT THE WORD OUT IN YOUR CHURCH NETWORK OR DENOMINATION. Do it now! We're facing a real manuscript deadline. Send just a few paragraphs [by May 1, 2017] for each story possibility to these two addresses: jellisfarm@gmail.com and deanmerrill@comcast.net.
Thank you sincerely for your faith, prayer, and participation. We believe in the power of the Spirit and a God of miracles. So flood our inboxes!