Government Prayer Sunday - June 26, 2016

As we move towards Canada’s 149th birthday on Friday, July 1, 2016, we want to spread the word about the Government Prayer Sunday (GPS) being encouraged on Sunday June 26 by the National House of Prayer. We are encouraging churches to designate a portion of your morning service(s) to pray for our government, uniting with Christians across Canada and seeking God for our nation. Many politicians have attended a GPS in their region and the reports have been positive. Our political leaders need to know that we care for them and respect the demands and responsibilities they carry, and that we as Christians support them through our prayers. You can read the full letter I received from Rob Parker of the National House of Prayer below.
-- Dave Wells, General Superintendent
Government Prayer Sunday: June 26, 2016
Praying For Good Government
Dear Pastor David Wells,
Government Prayer Sunday (GPS) is an annual day of prayer for government in Canada. This June 26 the National House of Prayer is encouraging churches to designate all or a portion of their morning service to pray for our government, joining together with Christians from across Canada in prayer.
We have met many politicians who have been positively impacted by attending a GPS in their region. It is a great opportunity for Christians to convey the message that we care about our leaders and the decisions they make. Consider inviting your local MP, Senator, MLA, mayor or local counsellor and/or letting them know you are praying for them.
As Christians we have an ongoing responsibility to pray for all our government leaders, that they would receive wisdom and grace to fulfil their calling. These leaders are seeking to make decisions on many moral and ethical issues facing our nation. Some of the issues are:
- Physician assisted suicide and abortion
- The role of parents as primary educators
- A growing national and provincial debt
- Concerns our indigenous people are facing
- Issues around sex education of our children
- Legalization of marijuana
We are exhorted in Scripture:
Pray for all people. Ask God to help them; intercede on their behalf, and give thanks for them. Pray this way for kings and all who are in authority so that we can live peaceful and quiet lives marked by godliness and dignity.
Although not our main focus, Government Prayer Sunday also raises finances for the ongoing work at the National House of Prayer. We would greatly appreciate if your church could commit to receiving an offering to help support this work. Your partnership allows us to help facilitate a strong, praying Christian presence on Parliament Hill.
For resources such as bulletin inserts, sample posters and prayer points, please see our website, Feel free to contact us at or call us at 613-789-4907 for more information
In Christ,
Rob Parker
National House of Prayer