Promise Keepers Ministry Resources for Men
A message worth sharing as Father’s Day approaches, that I received from Kirk Giles, president of Promise Keepers.
Dear David,
We know that the world is changing all around us, but a poll released by Angus Reid earlier this year gives us insight to the morals of men in Canada.
- 52% of Canadian men believe that watching pornography is always or usually morally acceptable.
- 43% of Canadian men believe that buying sex is always or usually morally acceptable.
These numbers are part of a broader study that continue to reveal the importance of shaping the thinking and actions of men. We are all aware of the damage the sex industry is having in families, churches, and communities. The bigger question is how can the Church help to change the conversation.
As a ministry, we are responding to these moral realities with the following resources:
- This Is Me TV is our online video series targeted at young men. We have just released the testimony of a woman who was a stripper as she talks about the damage men did to her and how Jesus saved her life. This is connected with online mentoring for men who want to get help. You can view and share this story here:
- This Father’s Day, we are preparing a special devotional that churches can distribute to their men. Over 30% of men in Canada say they get their morals from parents, close family, or a role model. This devotional is going to help dads understand their roles in coaching their children. Churches can order the devotional by visiting our website at
- Blueprint continues to equip church leaders on how to build a discipleship process for the men in their local church. This month, we are launching our first ever Bible College & Seminary course on men’s ministry in partnership with Heritage College & Seminary in Cambridge, Ontario. If one of your denominational schools are interested in this, we would be happy to talk with them about this.
- Blueprint for Men is our small group study series that is focused on the discipleship of men. We have released a variety of topics already. Later this year, we will also be releasing a study on sexuality with the goal of helping local churches disciple men in the area of sexuality. You can see all of the other studies we have released by visiting
Thank you for the partnership we are able to have with you and churches in your fellowship. The last several months have been incredibly fruitful in ministry as we have witnessed God doing a great work in men’s lives, and opening up doors for us to reach more men than ever before.
We consider it a privilege to serve the local church across Canada, and to work together in the vision to build faithful men who are having a Godly impact in our nation.
May God bless you this summer, and give you some time to rest and be refreshed.
Kirk Giles

Promise Keepers Canada
Box 20099 RPO Brant Hills
Burlington, ON L7P 0A4
888.901.9700 ext. 320
Our mission is to ignite and equip men to have a godly impact.
PAOC note: For other helpful resources in ministry to men and also Father’s Day related items, visit or contact Wordcom Christian Resources at 905.542.7400 ex. 4248.