Pentecost Sunday Resources for a Unified Call to Prayer

Dear Friends,
We as a Fellowship want to make Pentecost Sunday on May 15 a focal point in all of our churches. We want to encourage you to consider the resources we recommend below for confirming or expanding your current understanding of the Person and the work of the Holy Spirit. They include resources developed directly by our PAOC family and additional resources from Wordcom Christian Resources.
We especially want to remind you to tune in to Empowered21 celebrations happening in London from May 11-13. Details are included below, along with helpful resources on the Empowered21 website.
I also encourage you to listen to a podcast on an overview of the history of Pentecostalism that I shared at St. Clements Church in Toronto on February 14, 2016, as part of their Streams of Christianity series (click here: Streams of the Great River #6 - Pentecostalism - Rev. David Wells).
We are privileged to serve alongside you and to stand with you in prayer for our families, our communities, our nation and our world in these crucial times. Thank you for leading your church congregation in a time of corporate prayer this May. Let’s believe for the Spirit’s power and work to be evident among us as we approach Pentecost Sunday.
Dave Wells,
General Superintendent
Resources From PAOC For Preaching And Teaching On The Holy Spirit

Authentically Pentecostal
Does our faith in Christ as Saviour and Lord truly convince us of the urgent spiritual need that exists in our neighbours, family and friends? Does our understanding of Christ as Baptizer translate into Spirit-empowered lives that influence those around us to follow Jesus? Do we have a grounded theology of Christ as Healer? Do we truly believe that Jesus is a soon-coming King? This book helps us with our understanding of Christ as Saviour, Baptizer, Healer and Coming King. Contributors include Peter Cusick, Van Johnson, Brandon Malo, Jeromey Martini, Karen Reed, William Sloos and Roger Stronstad. Distributed as a gift book to all credential holders in December 2010, copies are still available through Wordcom Christian Resources. Click here or call our order desk at 905-542-7400 ext. 3223 to order single or bulk copies.

Our June 2011 edition of Enrich
PAOC’s leadership magazine, is a continuation of the dialogue begun in Authentically Pentecostal. Articles by Drs. Roger Stronstad and Gordon Anderson provide foundational biblical and theological reflection on Pentecostal theology. Stanley Grenz’s article includes thoughts on postmodern values and their impact on evangelism in today’s world. Dr. Ivan Satyavrata of India and Rev. David Oginda of Kenya offer valuable insight on being Pentecostal in a postmodern and cross-cultural society. Darin Latham and Andrew Gabriel also add Pentecostal perspective to the Canadian pastoral and Bible college context. Click here to download an electronic copy of this Pentecost edition of Enrich.

Lord, Teach Us to Pray: Chapter 5 - Praying in the Spirit
This chapter is an excerpt from a resource entitled, Lord, Teach Us To Pray: A Biblical Study of the Principles and Practice of Prayer, by Rev. Fred Penney of Emmanuel Community Church, Port Perry, Ontario ( Download “Praying in the Spirit” here.
Empowered21: Resources ON Pentecost And The Holy Spirit And A Preview To London 2016 is a simple idea birthed from our Empowered21 conversations where new generations have requested to learn more about the Holy Spirit and God’s immediate presence in their lives. Click here for resources to shape, impact and empower the lives of a new generation of Spirit-empowered believers to take the Holy Spirit to the very ends of the earth. Click here to browse articles, devotionals, music and worship sets, sermon outlines, videos, a Bible reading plan, and more. And don’t miss the live broadcasts from this year’s Pentecost celebration in London from May 11-13, 2016.
Available Resources For All Ages From Wordcom For Preaching And Teaching On The Holy Spirit
Wordcom Christian Resources is the official resource distribution centre of the PAOC. Consider these insightful reference and teaching aids as we seek to equip believers in our Pentecostal faith.

Canadian Pentecostals - A History of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada by Thomas Miller
Canadian Pentecostals trace their history from the most significant religious event in the 20th century - the rediscovery of the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the experience of speaking in other tongues. This book narrates the beginnings of the movement in Canada. It is a story filled with demonstrations of personal sacrifice and commitment, as well as the dramatic interventions of the Holy Spirit. It also records the reflections, concerns and aspirations of still another generation who yearn for the repetition of Pentecost. To order, click here. For bulk pricing if buying for your leadership team or congregation, call Wordcom at 905-542-7400 ex. 4248.

What the Bible Says about the Holy Spirit by Stanley Horton
This solidly biblical book by noted scholar Stanley Horton is an essential read for every Pentecostal believer. It is great as a study for Sunday school classes and small groups, as well as key leaders and staff pastors. In the comprehensive, intensive study, you will go beyond learning the Spirit's titles and symbols to a Pentecostal perspective of His personality, deity, gifts, and fruits. Click here to learn more.

The New Canadian Pentecostals by Adam Stewart
Readers will get a glimpse into the everyday religious lives of the members of three Pentecostal congregations located in the region of Waterloo in Ontario, Canada. Using the rich qualitative and quantitative data gathered through participant observation, personal interviews, and surveys conducted within these congregations, Adam Stewart provides the first book-length study focusing on the specific characteristics of Canadian Pentecostal identity, belief, and practice. Click here to learn more.

Faith Case: Investigating the Truth
Turn your kids (ages 5-12) into investigators as they join the bumbling Mr. Trench and the no-nonsense Commissioner in search of 16 foundational truths—biblical doctrines that are vital to kids’ faith. This video-based children’s church curriculum, developed by children’s pastors, lets your kids discover what they believe and why. Twelve fast-paced, easy-to-lead sessions come complete with unforgettable videos, games, object lessons, Bible stories, and kid-friendly statements that make each truth a cinch to remember. Click here to learn more.

NIV Fire Bible for Kids
Here is the first ever study Bible with an emphasis on the Holy Spirit written especially for kids ages 8-12. This fantastic resource is sure to draw kids into the Word as it helps reinforce biblical family values, combat secular ideals and teach kids how to apply biblical truths for daily living. Click here to learn more.

What’s in the Bible? Church Edition Volume 11 “Spreading the Good News”
Spreading the Good News!: Acts features four weeks of lessons journeying through the Book of Acts. Children will experience Pentecost, learn about the Holy Spirit, and study the life of Paul. Click here to learn more.