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4-14 Initiative

Luke 18:16-17 NLT

Then Jesus called for the children and said to the disciples, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children. I tell you the truth, anyone who doesn’t receive the Kingdom of God like a child will never enter it.”


Research shows us the window of opportunity when children are the most receptive to receive Christ is between the ages of 4 to 14 years old and those who receive Christ at this early stage of life, are most likely to continue a lifelong commitment to their faith.

This is why the PAOC commits the month of April to pray for kids in the 4-14 Initiative. Every day in April, we will post on our social media to help the family of God share the love of Jesus with children. We will have the prayer focus each week on the window of opportunity to reach kids for Christ and give hope to the next generation.

WEEK  1 – Community
WEEK  2 – Province/Territory
WEEK  3 – Nation
WEEK  4 – World

Everyone has a child that they can influence and help with this mission. No matter, your demographic, location, occupation, profession, personality, or your hobbies, a child is waiting for you to share the love of Jesus with them.

There are five strategic points that we will focus on for each week as we reach kids for Christ.

Strategic Points of the 4-14 Initiative

  1. PRAY – Pray the Lord will open a window of opportunity for you to reach children between the ages of 4-14 for Christ. 

  1. REFLECT – Reflect on one verse every day. Ask the Holy Spirit to highlight words and then pray according to His will. 

  1. SEARCH – Search for opportunities to volunteer in your area and invest in the children’s lives with your gifts and talents. 

  1. IDEAS – Ask the Holy Spirit to give you creative ideas on how to reach children between the ages of 4-14 for Christ. 

  1. PARTNER – Partner with others who care about children and their families. Work together to meet their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.

Throughout the month of April, we invite you to follow us on social media for daily posts, scripture reflections and more!

Download resources for your socials or website: CLICK HERE