LOCATION: Southeast Asia
OUR TRANSFORMATIONAL IMPACT: Our passion is to train more church leaders to bring the gospel to many more people in our region through effective church planting strategies.
OUR MINISTRY FOCUS: The people of our city are mostly unreached, and many are economically-disadvantaged. In response to this, we planted a church back in the mid-2000s with a vision to see lives completely transformed.
Although most people in this region have never heard the gospel before, the church has grown to serve more than 1,000 members. We have seen large numbers of people give their lives to Jesus, entire communities touched, and many new disciples grow into leaders.
Our approach is to present a holistic gospel that goes beyond our church’s walls. We and our team have established a centre that provides for people in need and serves the community with outreach programs. We also plant churches in outlying regions, while seeking to reach people through a fruitful and far-reaching television and online evangelism program. We also help to train leaders to plant churches in their own regions.
YOUR PARTNERSHIP: You will help make disciples in our city while simultaneously reaching the surrounding towns and villages with the gospel through ongoing church planting initiatives.
OUR MINISTRY HISTORY: We felt a call from God to plant our church in the mid-2000s. At first, we met with only a handful of people as a small group each Sunday. But God was at work! We went door-to-door presenting the gospel and inviting people to come. Soon we outgrew the space we were renting. Since then, the church has outgrown every space we’ve occupied! We now have a large, main campus and several church plants across the state. We also have established a vibrant children’s ministry that reaches the needs of thousands of children every year.
For God to draw more broken and disadvantaged people within our region to Himself.
For God to grant us favour to reach more surrounding communities, plant more churches, and establish more training/leadership facilities.
For God to give us needed physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual protection as we serve on the frontlines of a place with significant spiritual warfare.