LOCATION: Southeast Asia
TRANSFORMATIONAL IMPACT: My passion is to help offer the life-giving hope of Jesus Christ to trafficked, abused, and broken women and children in Southeast Asia.
MINISTRY FOCUS: Multiple thousands of women and children are sex trafficked daily in this Southeast Asian country. In fact, with each passing year, the age becomes younger. In response to this, I work alongside the incredible team at ACR who seeks to rescue and rehabilitate women and children who have been trafficked into sexual slavery, bonded labour, and child marriages.
As our umbrella organization, ACR encompasses our girls’ home, sewing centre, literacy centres, and self-help groups for women to do candle-making, basket weaving, cooking, and baking, etc. Most of the women and children we rescue are illiterate with no sense of self-worth. We currently provide 13 girls a home and 20 women at one time at our sewing centre.
As a Canada-based global worker, I advocate for our team’s work to our churches, friends, and partners in Canada and the United States. I give voice to those who can't speak for themselves and whose stories aren't being told. I’m also strongly connected to a Bible college within a restricted context to help train young leaders to make a difference in their nation.
YOUR IMPACT: You will help these women and children comprehend their intrinsic value as human beings made in the image of God while providing the practical means for them to move beyond their unspeakable trauma to a brighter future.
MINISTRY HISTORY: Having served with the PAOC for over 40 years, I have ministered in diverse roles. I have also been part of Crossroads 100 Huntley Street and Nite Lite Live for ten years. During these years of ministry, the Lord has given me a real burden for the broken. Because of that, my heart beats for the most vulnerable in society. I believe Psalm 34:18 accurately reflects the heart of God: “The Lord is close to the broken-hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.”
• For Jesus to bring more of these women and children to Himself so that no matter what may happen they know they are secure in His love.
• For Jesus to give our students at the college a growing hunger to know Him more.
• For Jesus to keep me safe as I travel throughout Southeast Asia.