Ministry Location: Edmonton, AB
Ministry Focus: Cultural Ministry
For the past 21 years, this Mission Canada worker has been engaged in full-time ministry as a missionary, pastor, and church planter. Since being in Alberta for the past five years, they have been struck by the large numbers of refugees arriving in Canada from the Middle East and resettling in the Edmonton area.
Presently, there are some 140,000 newcomers from the Middle East and Horn of Africa in Edmonton ... and this number will continue to rapidly grow in the next 12 years. In the Bible, God commanded His people to love the alien and newcomer in their midst (Deut. 10: 19; Lev. 19:34), and God still commands us to do the same. Many of these newcomers have been through the trauma of war, and what better way to demonstrate what it means to follow Christ than to love and care for the new neighbours around us?
This is exactly what we are doing, through English programs, personal visits, outings, and provision of practical items (i.e. furniture, clothes, etc.). These new neighbours and friends are finding reconciliation with God in Christ, through the demonstration and proclamation of the good news that is being shared with them.