We are living in a Matthew 9 moment, the harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. The Holy Spirit is moving, and the global church is growing at a miraculous rate. God is calling men and women to serve this growing church and there is an urgent need for them to be trained and equipped.
Your partnership will equip this next generation of leaders.
In the 22 countries where we serve in partnership with theological training institutions, many called leaders cannot afford their tuition, and their schools need sustainable funding that empowers their national church.
International Missions has a simple yet strategic plan. Through Timothy Fund Scholarships, you can give emerging Christian leaders the training they need to be effective for God's Kingdom.
These students are the pastors, church planters, and ministry leaders of the future.
Each Timothy Fund scholarship costs $50 per month and covers an entire year of tuition for a ministry student that otherwise could not afford training.
Every dollar you invest in a ministry student now, will multiply in the future through their thriving ministries.
Not only will the students you support become equipped disciple-makers, their school fees also help to sustain these critical training colleges that are building the capacity of national leaders.

In the 22 countries where we serve in partnership with theological training institutions, many called leaders cannot afford their tuition, and their schools need sustainable funding that empowers their national church.
International Missions has a simple yet strategic plan. Through Timothy Fund Scholarships, you can give emerging Christian leaders the training they need to be effective for God's Kingdom.
These students are the pastors, church planters, and ministry leaders of the future.
Each Timothy Fund scholarship costs $50 per month and covers an entire year of tuition for a ministry student that otherwise could not afford training.
Every dollar you invest in a ministry student now, will multiply in the future through their thriving ministries.
Not only will the students you support become equipped disciple-makers, their school fees also help to sustain these critical training colleges that are building the capacity of national leaders.

Learn more from these incredible students: