LOCATION: Worldwide
OUR TRANSFORMATIONAL IMPACT: Our vision is to educate and equip men and women, called by God to preach and teach the Word of God, in order to maximise their potential impact in their context.
OUR MINISTRY FOCUS: Out of the approximately 2.4 million pastors in the world, only 10% of them have had some form of theological training. Moreover, there is also a considerable lack of training at the graduate level.
In response to these needs, we minister alongside the GlobalEd team as experts in helping to develop effective graduate level programs, responding strategically to the needs of our partner institutions (Bible colleges, seminaries, and universities) as they arise.
We are especially focused on helping Bible colleges and seminaries to teach effectively while also promoting the necessity of scholarly research, networking, and collaborating with other like-minded organizations. We seek to emphasize the need for graduate level programs for equipping especially senior church leaders, college instructors, and others teaching theology, in order to create an environment of sound theological shaping.
OUR MINISTRY HISTORY: Since 1996, we have been serving as pastors, both in Canada and overseas. Both of us have earned our doctorates in theology. In 2012, we served as vocational global workers at Continental Theological Seminary in Belgium, an international school with students from over 30 nations. We have also ministered in West Africa where we taught at various Bible schools in Ivory Coast, Liberia, Guinea, and Senegal, as well as helping with humanitarian needs and rebuilding Bible college libraries. From 2012-2022, we volunteered in Nepal, Thailand, and the Philippines while also pastoring at Finnish Pentecostal Church in Vancouver. We married in 1986 and have a son Alex.
For God to raise up more leaders who will not only train for ministry but also be equipped for it through accessing the necessary resources.
For God to guide us in continuing to train up leaders while maximising our impact.
For God to provide the support we need to continue to do our ministry while keeping us safe as we travel.