OUR TRANSFORMATIONAL IMPACT: Our passion is to care for and befriend youth, young adults, and those suffering due to troubling life circumstances.
OUR CARE FOCUS: We are focusing much of our attention on providing tangible support and care for youth, single mothers, refugees, and displaced families. Having a deep love for people, it’s an honour to serve in life-giving ways.
Although we engage in many compassionate initiatives such as providing food, clothing, and other necessary household items, we especially love to focus on caring for young people.
So many youth are experiencing loneliness and uncertainty in the midst of such trauma and suffering around them. Our goal is to build relationships, provide them emotional support that they need, and implement interactive programs and activities for them. We also both serve alongside the staff at King of Kings Network.
YOUR PARTNERSHIP: You will help many suffering families who are experiencing difficult times.
For God to bring peace, healing, and comfort to those suffering.
Ilya & Jessica Batrakov
Your generosity helps advance the Kingdom of God around the globe. We appreciate your partnership. Thank you.
Thank you for your support.
Your generosity helps advance the Kingdom of God around the globe. We appreciate your partnership. Thank you.