Workers & Projects

UCM U Victoria General
SERVE Campus
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Thank you for your donation to UCM UVic General! Your generosity helps us share the love of Jesus through word and deed with students.
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Ministry Focus: Campus Ministry
University Christian Ministries (UCM) is the name of Christian student club at the University of Victoria (known as UCM@UVIC), and has been actively representing Jesus and His gospel message for over three decades. UCM@UVIC continues to build a vibrant on-campus faith community that supports both the seeker and the Christian student in discovering and becoming more like Christ. It is an environment where post-secondary students can engage in questions of faith, pray together, be active in ministry on campus, develop life long friendships, sponsor social events, facilitate Bible studies, develop as leaders, and help support their peers in practical ways.
We thank you for praying and giving to this ministry and its various projects.
UCM U Victoria General
Thank you for your donation to UCM UVic General! Your generosity helps us share the love of Jesus through word and deed with students.
Where do your donations go?
Your donations to UCM UVic General help to cover the cost of on-campus outreach initiatives, leadership development, ministry programming, as well as an annual Camp Retreat and Emerge Retreat. You are able to contribute to costs associated with free gum and free pizza giveaways which are often done as a way to invite students to UCM’s worship gatherings on the campus of the University of Victoria.