Embracing Newcomers
It might have been you, your parents or grandparents. Virtually everyone reading this page was directly or indirectly through family, a newcomer to these shores. A foreigner. A refugee. A wanderer. A sojourner on the earth. A displaced person. Maybe even an accidental traveler or unintended immigrant.
Whether we use Biblical descriptors or contemporary, newcomers are those who've recently arrived in Canada.
And newcomers are dear to God's heart. From Genesis to Revelation, they keep popping up everywhere. And God does the popping, inserting them into His covenants, the Mosaic laws, through prophets and prophecies, and of course best and greatest through Jesus Himself. God loves newcomers.
So, we should, too! And the more we do, the more we reflect Him. The more newcomers see Him in us.
"Embracing Newcomers" is more than simply a video seminar and workbook. It may be for you a grand new adventure in God's kingdom. For a newcomer, it will be eternity changing, in both this life and the next.
How did we arrive at this?
I've met Dr. T.V. Thomas multiple times through the years in both the U.S. and Canada. He's always a delight. Funny. Challenging. Charming. Relevant. Significant. Called of God as His tool to equip God's people to better love their neighbours - newcomers especially - in every way, and most with the life and destiny changing gospel of Jesus Christ.
A while back I took in his live presentation of "Becoming More Welcoming and Embracing." After participating, I thought, "I need to share this!"
Did the host record it? No. Did Dr. Thomas have a recording of it? No.
Ok. Let's fix that. So, Dr. T.V. Thomas and his Centre for Evangelism & World Mission, based in Regina, SK, and the PAOC Mission Canada's Cultural Language Ministry collaborated to have him in with a live audience, record it, edit and distribute it. All so you can be blessed and better equipped to embrace newcomers in your life, too... all to the glory of God and the growth of His kingdom in you and your newcomer friends as well.
May the Lord cause you to advance in maturity and fruitfulness as a result. We encourage you to watch these video segments with Dr. T.V. Thomas on "Embracing Newcomers."
Charles Hermelink
Cultural Languages Group Coordinator
Mission Canada, PAOC
Seminar Participants Guide - Embracing Newcomers
Seminar Video
Seminar Q&A 1
Seminar Q&A 2
Seminar Q&A 3
Seminar Q&A 4
Seminar Q&A 5
Seminar Q&A 6
Seminar Q&A 7
NOTE: Embracing Newcomers is provided through partnership between Dr. TV Thomas, Director of the Centre for Evangelism & World Mission, Regina, SK, and the PAOC's Mission Canada. The content of Dr. Thomas' seminar and participant's guide are his property. The video and cover image of Embracing Newcomers is the property of the PAOC's Mission Canada. Please honour the Lord and Canadian law in your handling of this material. Do not reproduce or repost online without prior written permission. The Participants Guide is free for reproduction only to meet your personal or group needs, and must be distributed free of charge.