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Transforming Canada Together

Every year Canada celebrates a birthday.  And as Canadians and Canadian churches we have the opportunity to celebrate our amazing nation.  As Christians living in this country we can appreciate the land of plenty we have been blessed with.  We can also celebrate what God is doing across the nation, from sea to sea to sea.


Mission Canada wants to inspire you to use our nation’s birthday (148 years old in 2015) to focus your congregation on the mission field all around us, and right in our own backyards. As the national mission agency of the PAOC, we want to help mobilize you to reach those in your community who have yet to rub shoulders with a believer or hear the gospel message.  There are still countless Canadians who need to hear and receive the message of God’s love and experience the life-transforming relationship they can have with Jesus Christ.   

Through this Transforming Canada Together initiative canada_day_vector_map_48270you will be encouraged to PRAY, to ENVISION, and to ACT.  

Together, we can see the gospel reach every part of our nation.
