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Spring 2024 testimony/Enrich

Cover of Spring 2024 issue of testimony/Enrich.


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FROM THE EDITOR: THE POWER OF STORYSharing our testimonies about Jesus
by Stacey McKenzie

“Along the way, there have been challenges to that newfound faith, but the Spirit’s faithfulness in illuminating the Scriptures and manifesting evidence of God’s presence in the circumstances of daily life have helped me persevere.” Read more.


PAUL THE CATALYST—Why can’t we be more like him?
by Duane Henry

The Apostle Paul’s life is a powerful New Testament example of complete surrender to Christ’s purposes. Rather than comparing our lives to his, Duane Henry invites us to consider the true measuring stick of our Christian witness. [Full content available to subscribers.]


WE ARE RICH—The beauty of diversity
by Sandra Mcintosh

Sandra McIntosh shares the joy that her church community, Bethel Church, enjoys in celebrating their diversity, and in learning how to become good stewards of the trust God has placed in them to lead their multicultural community well. [Full content available to subscribers.]


EMBRACING THE TRUTH—Ending the silent suffering of an eating disorder
by Sarah Colantonio

Sarah Colantonio shares the life-changing healing she experienced after years of struggling with an eating disorder. Faith, therapy and the truth of Scripture became catalysts for her own self-acceptance and recovery. [Full content available to subscribers.]


A CALL TO THE ONE—Investing in the next generation
by Tricia Gibb Lane

Tricia Gibb Lane recognizes how her leadership as a pastor today was impacted by intentional mentorship as a youth and young adult. She points us to the importance of intentional spiritual investment in one young person at a time. Read more.


GENERAL EXECUTIVE HIGHLIGHT—An interview with Sherilyn Bambridge
by Barbara Hein

“Sherilyn has described her personal passion as ‘encouraging fellow believers to spend more time in the Word and in prayer.’ She says, ‘I feel that we have lost so much time to the distractions of the world with social media and entertainment. I aim to bring prayer into any environment that I am in. I finish off coffee with friends with prayer. So many times people are so appreciative of this. I try to read and study through the Bible every year. This is a personal commitment I have made.’” [Full content available to subscribers.]


DEEP CALLS TO DEEP—Celebrating water baptisms in the PAOC
by Chris Padiath

Chris Padiath has joy in remembering his water baptism experience and performing the ceremony for others. He encourages PAOC pastors to be intentional and consistent with their invitations to take that step. [Full content available to subscribers.]


by Andrew K. Gabriel

The work of the Spirit can be discerned both in ordinary moments and in extraordinary manifestations of God’s presence. Andrew K. Gabriel reminds us of the value of both and the ultimate purpose of the Spirit’s work. Read more.


HERE AM I—Send me anyway!
by Billy Wilson

“We are living in times of high stress and deep challenges. But, although we did not choose when we would be born, God sovereignly saw to it that we would be here for such a time as this. He equips and enables us to lead amid the drama and trauma of our day.” [Full content available to subscribers.]


DREAMING OF FIELDS—Are we willing to go?
by Paul Fraser

Paul Fraser celebrates our history as a Fellowship full of people who *go*. What mission fields are you dreaming of? People in every corner of Canada could be waiting for your next step of faith. [Full content available to subscribers.]

Our Stories

MISSION GLOBAL: THE MISSIONARY CALLING—God’s pursuit of Canadians to go into all the world
by Murray Cornelius

“The biblical theme of calling provides the storyline for our lives. Our lives don’t just wander down a path of chance opportunities or circumstances. God’s sovereign hand guides and nudges us to the work He has prepared for us. His call provides a sense of continuity, coherence and purpose.” Read more.


ERDO: TRAINING AND TRANSFORMATION—The church at work in Bangladesh
by Alicia Kolenda

“ERDO listens to churches as they explain the needs of their communities, working with them to establish projects that will bring tangible help to families. In Bangladesh, we’re providing food, clean water through a new well, and humanitarian relief to assist even more families in need.” Read more.


MISSION CANADA: PRESENCE VS. PROXIMITY—How neighbourliness reveals our morality
by Karen Reed

“Simple acts can be so meaningful to people, especially if they are feeling isolated (research has revealed that one in four people in our city is isolated). Small gestures that remind people they are seen, thought about and known can help us all feel less alone.” Read more.

You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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