Spring 2022 testimony/Enrich
Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony/Enrich. Read more.
FROM THE EDITOR: WHAT’S MOST IMPORTANT—Revisiting foundations in times of turmoil
by Stacey McKenzie
“I think these words would have sparked both tremendous hope and prompted acts of faith that would bring them closer to earthly freedom. In hearing them, they could take joy in both His message and His presence, but also hope that some sort of earthly intervention would or could take place on their behalf to bring liberation.” Read more.
A LESSON IN SOLITUDE—Trading anxiety for an encounter with God
by Barbara Hein
Many people dread being at home alone, and loneliness has been identified as a growing crisis in our time. Barbara Hein recognizes it as an opportunity for God to draw us closer to Himself, turning fear into a gift. Article adapted from the book, Lessons from my Cat – Finding Peace in an Anxious World by Barbara Hein. Read more.
GOD’S GOOD CREATION—Talking biblically about climate change
by James MacKnight
Extreme weather has recently caused more frequent interruptions to regular activities in the West. James MacKnight believes it's important for Christians and pastors to be talking about climate change—the concerns, the hopes, and the opportunity for the church. [Full content available to subscribers.]
PERSEVERING THROUGH PAIN—More than just plodding on
by Ron Powell
“The limits of human endurance have been stretched to a shred over these past two years. Not everyone has been able to persist. Tragically, some have given up. Shock waves of human trauma have slammed against surviving friends and loved ones who are barely keeping their heads above water. They’re wondering—how are we going to make it?” Read more.
WHY YOUR BUSINESS IS MISSION—Entrepreneurial pursuit for the glory of God
by Carrie-Anne Ballantyne
“Business matters in the context of missions. It doesn’t have to be in opposition to the kingdom; it can be part of a holistic plan to reach people for Christ. In unreached countries and contexts where openly sharing Christian faith is not allowed, missionary visas are non-existent. But if you are skilled in a trade and can join an existing workplace or start a business yourself, tremendous doors are opened.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
THE BLESSING IN THE WRESTLING—Learning from the life of Jacob
by Mike Miller
Lead Pastor Mike Miller has struggled with the challenges of pastoring through a global pandemic. He sees lessons we can learn about wrestling with God by looking at the life of Jacob. Read more.
BOOK REVIEW: CANADIAN PENTECOSTAL READER—The first generation of Pentecostal voices in Canada (1907-1925)
by Ewen Butler and Ron Kydd
One sure way to rekindle a desire for the Holy Spirit is to read about His work in previous generations. Ewen Butler and Ron Kydd review Canadian Pentecostal Reader: The First Generation of Pentecostal Voices in Canada (1907–1925). [Full content available to subscribers.]
by Josh P. S. Samuel
How has the Holy Spirit been moving beyond what we read in the pages of the New Testament until our modern day? Josh Samuel explains how Christian faith can grow when the rich history of Pentecostalism is explored. [Full content available to subscribers.]
THE HOLY SPIRIT AND LEADERSHIP—Seven biblical and theological observations
by Andrew Gabriel
“For Pentecostals, the gift of leadership may not have quite the same allure as the gift of miracles or of speaking in tongues, but the Apostle Paul lists leadership in a series of gifts right alongside prophecy.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
Our Stories
ERDO: A MILLION CUPS OF WATER—Relief in the face of clean water shortages
by Alicia Kolenda
“When ERDO drills new wells, installs washrooms, handwashing stations and water filters, we see a huge improvement in people’s overall health. Childhood illness is reduced and school attendance increases. Adults do not miss work due to waterborne diseases, and they can take better care of their families. We know that access to clean water make a huge difference—cup by cup.” Read more.
MISSION CANADA: IS CANADA WORTH IT?—Newcomers and the future of the church
by Charles Hermelink
“God’s purpose for us, His church, is still the same too—to find and make disciples of every nation. So God is helping us by moving people our way. Must be He has an agenda and a timeline to meet—His own!” Read more.
INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS: FRANK JUELICH—A tribute to a life well lived in service to God
“Frank had an incredible sense of humour which can be seen in his writings and the way he interacted with people. He was always ready with a quick and comical answer and loved to host visitors from all over the world.” Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing orderdesk@paoc.org. The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at testimonyenrich.ca. Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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