Spring 2020 testimony/Enrich
Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony/Enrich. Read more.
A CHRISTIAN VIEW ON EUTHANASIA—A biblical approach to end-of-life alternatives
by Dr. Donato Gugliotta
It may become necessary to provide clarity to the Christian response to euthanasia. Is euthanasia a sin? Is it morally wrong in God’s eyes? Traditionally, the church has considered euthanasia, like suicide, to be a sin. Why is this so? Consider the answer to that question from an evangelical protestant point of view. Read more.
THE DARK SIDE OF THE SUPERNATURAL—Uncovering the empty promise of unholy powers
by Rose McCormick Brandon
“As we inch closer to Christ’s return, we should expect an increase in demonic exhibitions, even from unexpected places, under the guise of culture and masquerading as goodness. God provides his followers with supernatural gifts. One of these gifts helps us discern between godly and devilish spirits. Every believer needs to exercise discernment to know the difference between a false prophet and a messenger from God.” Read more.
LET’S TALK HOPE—Slaying the stigma of mental illness
by Bob Jones
Conversations about mental health have been slowly but surely making their way out of the shadows and coming out into the light of public consciousness. Bob Jones explains why it’s time to get rid of the stigma for good. [Full content available to subscribers.]
THE UPSIDE-DOWN KINGDOM OF GOD—Embracing the principles of a counterintuitive revival
by Rachel McAlister
The values of this world often pressure us into believing that what we do, what we have, or what we accomplish are among the marks of true greatness. Rachel McAlister challenges us to consider Jesus’ life and example—and the Father’s heart—instead. [Full content available to subscribers.]
CYNICAL TONGUES AND SENSITIVE HEARTS—Restoring the joy of God’s presence and power
by Celeste Scheel
Sometimes cynicism and the passage of time can lead to waning passion for the manifest presence of God. Celeste Scheel reminds us of what we can do to rekindle it. [Full content available to subscribers.]
COMMUNITY AND CAUSE: KEY CONSTANTS OF MISSION—Refocusing on New Testament blueprints
by Mike Miller
Mike Miller sees a valuable lesson in the New Testament model for building God’s church. Made in God’s image, we are born to create change and impact our surroundings but cannot do so on our own. [Full content available to subscribers.]
LEADING THE GENERATIONS—Why hospitality, not strategy, is the key
by Elyse Brouwer
Elyse Brouwer has a challenge for seasoned ministry leaders. If taken, it can increase opportunities for younger people to discover and develop their sense of calling in every aspect of church mission—from the board meeting to the pulpit. Read more.
READING LUKE-ACTS DILIGENTLY—Celebrating Roger Stronstad’s contribution
by Riku Tuppurainen
Roger Stronstad’s contribution to Lukan studies and Pentecostal theology are worth celebrating. Riku Tuppurainen invites readers to consider delving deeper into Stronstad’s exploration of the Books of Luke and Acts, and to ponder world events in light of his insights. [Full content available to subscribers.]
by Garry Engler
“It is increasingly clear that Canada is no longer a country or a culture governed by a biblical worldview. Widespread acceptance of euthanasia, gender fluidity, alternative lifestyles, and legalized recreational drugs, together with increasing marginalization of churches and Christians, are all symptoms of this larger worldview issue. While it is important not to turn a blind eye to the changes in our country, we need to speak to people at the worldview heart level.” [Full content available to subscribers.]
Our Stories
ERDO:BIRTHING HOPE—The prophetic mission of the church to the poor
by Akililu Hunqe
“Prophetic grief goes far beyond crying and weeping. It feels deep sorrow but sees hope beyond the pain. Prophetic grief plants gardens of healing in the midst of injustice. It declares to the world that love is stronger than hate and God’s power is greater than our pain.” Read more.
MISSION CANADA: OPENING OUR HEARTS—Will you answer the call?
by Kaitlyn Cey
“With the dawning of a new decade, churches across the nation are reflecting on the past and leaning forward toward God’s vision for their future, one that commands us to go and make disciples of all nations. This kind of impact won’t come through striving, forcing or pushing. This is God’s work.” Read more.
by Murray Cornelius
“Reflecting on the legacy and effectiveness of the PAOC’s international work spanning over 100 years, one can only thank God for the humble yet incredibly bold obedience of nearly 2,000 missionaries who gave their lives to serve God.” Read more.
You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony/Enrich for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing orderdesk@paoc.org. The complete digital issue is available to all paid subscribers. You can check out a few of the articles from previous issues at testimonyenrich.ca. Full content is available to paid subscribers only.
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