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March/April 2017 testimony



Have you heard about our prison sponsorship program? You can help us reach out to prison inmates across Canada by sponsoring a one-year subscription to testimony. Read more.


SEVEN QUESTIONS FOR: ROB MOORELiving at the intersection of faith and politics

Rob Moore is used to having his identity summed up in two letters. Being the kid of a preacher, he knows what it’s like to be known as a PK. And his years in federal politics have taught him the challenges of being called an MP. In this instalment of Seven Questions, we ask Rob to tell us about both of those worlds and how they intersect. Read more.


LOVING GOD, LOVING NEIGHBOURSChoosing a life of radical hospitality

“Who is my neighbour?” Ask Jesus and you will get a parable. Ask Karen Reed and you will get her story. Karen lives in a neighbourhood and shares life with her neighbours. She believes that loving them is how she loves God. How to do that in practical ways has guided her decisions and her daily life for the past seven years. We invite you to read her story and dare to ask, “What if?” [Full content available to subscribers.]


FINDING OUR VOICEIs there a place for the church in the political process?

The recent elections in the US have served to reignite the discussion on the role of religion in politics. Should Christians participate in politics? Is there a place for the church in the political process? A postelection headline and a Pastoral Ethics term paper resulted in this collaborative look at the role of Christians in the political process. [Full content available to subscribers.]


SEEING LIGHTDrawing a spiritual lesson from a physical reality

The state of her aging eyes has given Bonnie Beldan-Thomson cause to think about light. In this view from the Word, she considers some of the Scriptures that speak of God and light. We invite you to read her thoughts on spiritual light and her discovery of a beautiful morning prayer. [Full content available to subscribers.]


LOVER OR LORDUnderstanding God’s first concern for our lives

Peter Cusick is well acquainted with the tidy illustrations we’ve used to convey the importance of Jesus’ lordship in our lives; he’s just not convinced they tell the whole truth. From his study of the Word and from his own walk with God, he has come to understand God’s expectation of us in a different way, using another image. Read more.


WHEREVER THE SPIRIT LEADSAn exciting story of intercultural church multiplication

Here is another story from the 2016 gift book entitled A Shared Vision. The book is a collection of some of the many stories of church revitalization and multiplication unfolding throughout our PAOC Fellowship. We invite you to read this stirring story of intercultural church multiplication from the International Worship Centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba. [Full content available to subscribers.]


Our Stories

INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS: CHANGING DESTINIES—Standing in the Gap for "The Least of These"
Look closely at the faces of children from around the world. Too often there is crying, sorrow and pain. Murray Cornelius, the executive director of International Missions, explores what hardships children face and what the Scriptures teach us about them. Read more.


ERDO: CHILDCARE PLUS CELEBRATES 25 YEARS—Showing God's Love Through Child Sponsors
Throughout the last 25 years, ChildCARE Plus has given both children and sponsors life-changing opportunities. Sponsors have been blessing children’s lives, and children have been blessing the lives of their sponsors. Learn from Samantha Burnside, ERDO's communications officer, about how the program benefits everyone involved. Read more.


You can read all of the above articles (and more) by subscribing to testimony for only $24 per year (CAD) by calling 905-542-5400, ext. 3223 or emailing A digital version of the full issue is now available! Please also free to check out past articles from previous issues at
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